(12) Welcome Back To NY

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1 month later 

Abby helped Kelsea find a new place in Manhattan NY. Like before everyone helped her get moved into her new place. Tony got them set up in a new office building complete with a their own Starbucks in the lobby. 

A few days after she was all moved into her new apartment and had her office set up. She and Kyrie had joined Abby for lunch. While they were inside eating not paying attention to anyone else they had missed the Barnes men getting a table outside. 

As they were leaving though Bucky happened to look up as she walked by. He swallowed back the lump in his throat. James saw his son's face and looked to see what had his gaze. They had stopped in front of the toy store by the restaurant. When Kyrie looked in their direction. 

"James that little boy looks a lot like my nephew here." Duncan said as he pointed to Paxton who was enjoying his chicken tenders. 

Once they walked away Bucky noticed his dad and his grandfather were in a scuffle of whispers. 

"Is something wrong?" Bucky said 

"No son." James said 

"You're lying and I know it. Come on Pax daddy has things to do." Bucky said as he picked up his son and went the opposite direction to his car. 

When he was alone he called Scott and Clint to get him information on Kelsea. He sat down on back porch swing. 

Donovan sent him a text. "Dad and grandpa are still acting weird. Is that the girl?" 

"Yeah that was her." He replied. 

"She looked so beautiful." Bucky whispered to himself. 

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