(9) Kyrie Joseph Franklin

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Four months later 

May and Abby were on either side of Kelsea as it was time to push. She chose those two to be in the room cause she figured they wouldn't pass out. She was covered in sweat after being in labor for fifteen hours with no epidural. 

"Okay Kelsea we are ready to start pushing. You good?" Dr Brooks said 

"Yeah.." she mustered out.

Everyone got into position. "Push.." Dr Brooks said 

"Come on Kelsea you got this." Abby said as Kelsea began to bare down and push. 

"You are doing so good Kels." May said 

Kelsea let out a scream then laid back. "Take a breathe then push again Kelsea." Dr Brooks said 

She began to push again. "Good good Kelsea I can almost see his head. Keep pushing come on." Dr Brooks said 

Screams came out of Kelsea as she pushed and pushed. The next thing they all heard was cries. 

"Good job mama.." Dr Brooks said 

Kelsea smiled as the nurse laid her son down on her chest. 

"Hey my boy." Kelsea whispered as he rooted around. 

The nurse showed her what to do and how to get him to latch. 

"He's beautiful Kels." May said 

"Definitely." Abby said 

Kelsea smiled at him as she played with his tiny fingers. "Kyrie Joseph Franklin." She said as stared at her son. 

Once they moved her to maternity room MJ Peter and Jason came in with his kids. After everyone gushed over him. Jason took the kids back to the hotel while MJ and Peter left. Abby went to get her some food. 

Kelsea was left alone for a bit as she held her son and fed him. 

"It may not be the best circumstances..but we got this." She said 

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