(15) More Truth Bombs & Tabloids

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"Buzz buzz buzz

Bucky was hiding his head under his pillow half asleep as he reached for his phone. 

"H-hello.." he answered 

"Hey man..it might be a good idea if you didn't come in." Steve said 

"Excuse me.." Bucky said as he sat up.

"Reporters have parked themselves outside the building. And Nat said when she dropped off the girls at the preschool that they had some there too. It may be best if you stayed home." Steve said 

Bucky ran his hands over his face. "It's all over the news. NY Times, NY Post, Page Six.." Steve said 

"Thanks Steve." He said and hung up. 

He sighed then dragged himself out of bed and pulled on clothes. As he went down the hall he tried texting his brothers and his mom. But to no avail they left him on read. He got Madison and Paxton up. 

Their nanny Angelina was already making them breakfast. He went over to Angelina "They aren't going to school today. To much going on with the family so Hudson will be here to keep things secure. You all are not to leave the house." He said 

"Yes sir. I saw the news that's why I came early." She said as she made the kids' juices. 

Bucky grabbed a banana. "You all eat good and be good for Angie." He said as he walked back upstairs. 

He got dressed in all black and snuck down to the garage. He revved up his motorcycle and took off out the back entrance of the Barnes ranch. In his ear he had one air pod in as "Love Bites" by Def Leppard." 

As he got closer to Manhattan "Keep On Lovin You." When  he found the apartment building that Scott said in his email that morning was Kelsea's.  He pulled into the parking garage when he saw reporters outside her building. 

He made his way up to the door and knocked. Kelsea answered the door to see him standing there in all black. 

"What do you want? And how did you find me?" She said 

"I know a guy. Can we talk?" He said 

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "I don't have anything to say to you." She said 

"Okay well you can listen and I can talk." He said 

"Bucky I don't want to see you at all. I hate you and I hate how you all just think that you can pay people to do whatever you want." She said 

He looked at her confused. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't pay people to do things." He said 

"Oh don't you dare act so stupid! You had your dad try and clean up your mess!" She said 

"Kelsea I am 33 years old I don't need my parents cleaning up my messes." He said 

"Only when it doesn't fit the narrative of your perfect bubble right?" She said 

"For fucksakes! I didn't pay anyone to cover up the affair!" He said 

She looked down when she had her back to him.  "Kels..I swear to God. Why are you acting like I did?" He said

"Because..of your dad." She said 

"My dad? What did he do?" He said 

She turned around and looked at him. He was instantly taken back to the day on the sidewalk with her tears falling. 

"He showed up at my job at the diner. Specifically asked for me accused me sleeping around and using you and your status because I probably got knocked up by someone else. He called me a gold digger and accused me sleeping with someone to get into Columbia. He then slid a check written for 30 grand across the table said it was for me to keep my mouth shut and to abort my son. When I refused to take it he continued his remarks..I ripped up the check and asked him to leave..he pulled out another one stuck it in my apron. As he tapped my face he said I know you'll make the right decision..and he left." She said 

Bucky was shaking his blood was boiling. "I had some cramping and I was rushed to ER after I passed out. When I woke up Abigail was in my room she told who she was. She said that your grandpa did the same thing to her mom. There now you know the truth so why don't you do what you do best and disappear. Go back to your perfect little fake smiling family. I've got me and Kyrie all on my own. I don't need you." She said as she opened the door back up. 

"Kelsea.." Bucky said 

"Go.." she said 

"This isn't over." He said as he left. 

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