Transformers: The Unicron Trilogy Intros

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1#: Unicron Battles / Armada intro (A/n: Honestly, this is one of the better intros of all the Armada intros. This show has a lot 😵)

The music begins as clip showed Optimus prime in his supermode firing his "Maximum Blast".

Ruby: That's Optimus?

Weiss: Well, yes. That is Optimus.

Ruby: But how? Didn't he normally have blue eyes instead of red?

Weiss: There is a thing called "Artistic License". Basically, an artist can change anything to fit their aesthetic. This clip showed his "Supermode", a kind of power up for him.

Ruby: Okay.

Then the next clip showed the Autobot insignia morph into Optimus prime, while the Decepticon Insignia morphs into Megatron - all the while having the transformation sound played during the morph.

Optimus claps his hands together to fire a beam at Megatron with a voice speaking in background, "The battlefield have shifted".

The next few shots showed Hot Shot and Starscream wielding their swords (The Star Saber and wing blade respectively)-

"The Autobots and Decepticons are racing through space-".

-as then it revealed a planet with a giant maw with the transformers drifting through space.

Ruby: That is a lot for transformers.

Weiss: Well, technically it is most of the Transformers from Armada.

Yang: You've seen this?

Weiss: Not all the time. Just when I have nothing else to do.

"- to face the greatest evil the Transformers have ever encountered".

The next shot showed the damaged Decepticons and Autobot (Megatron, Starscream and Hot shot) as they are repaired and recolored by a green light. Next Galvatron (it's Megatron but recolored really), combined with Tidal Wave, rushed towards the camera with a swing of the star saber sword, however, Optimus catches the sword before it hits him.

Yang: Nice save.

Ruby: I don't get it. Oh, he catches the guard of the sword.

Weiss: Yep

Optimus prime in "Jet Optimus mode" flew into the camera as the next shot showed Galvatron bursting out of the ground. With a wide shot of Cybertron with beams of light hitting it's atmosphere the voice spoke once more, "They have entered-", As Optimus flew into a ball of fire, "The Unicron Battles".

The last shot showed the title of the season and an artwork depicting Unicron busting a planet.


Transformers: Armada
The Unicron Battles

2#: Transformers Energon intro.

Blue orbs comes by as the Energon theme is playing. Then it shows Optimus Prime Supermode, firing his "Energon Blast", while the Predacons were flying close to the sea.

"Transformers, more than meets the eye"

Ruby: Optimus just got bigger.

Weiss: 4 vehicles turned into limbs, which Optimus is at the centre.

"Transformers, more than meets the eye"

Hot Shot transform into an upper torso as Inferno is transformed into his Robot mode, firing a couple of blast. The next clips showed the Submarine firing torpedoes then Ironhide running to the camera.

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