Chapter 2

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"Everyone, let's go to the gym now." The grumpy-strict teacher said. 

Bokuto and I are walking together at the gym. And, I'm happy because this is my first time walking with him.

"You know, y/n.  Akaashi is the best setter for me!" Bokuto proudly said. 

"Really?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Yes! His sets are so high that makes me happy!" Bokuto giggles.

This is what I like about him, he adores every person who is with him. Even he doesn't aware too much in his emo mode. 

"First game will be Bokuto's Team vs. Miyazaki's Team" the grump-teacher announced. "We only have 1 set and the score will be 1 to 10 only so the next pair can play. Who got 10 first will be exempted in the next quiz." 

"We are the first game, Bokuto-san. I don't know really much about this game, so I'll rely on you." I tapped his shoulders. 

He tilts his head with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"No. I'll rely on you. You can do this. I believe in you." Bokuto tap my shoulder with a smile plastered on his eyes. 

I believe in you...

I believe in you...

That 4 words make my heart beat so fast.

"Miyazaki's team will be the service and Bokuto's team will be the one receiving it." the grump-teacher said. 

"Do you have plans?" Bokuto asked. 

"Not really. I got plans when I am playing. How about you?" I ask back.

"Not really. But, I'll be the wing spiker and you're the setter." Bokuto said.  

"That's really my position in Volleyball, Bokuto-san." I proudly said.  

"Let's start!" the grump-teacher whistle. 

Miyazaki's service is powerful, that's why I let Bokuto received it.

"Nice receive!" I shouted. 

I set the ball on him and he spiked it to the other side of the court but they received it. 

The other team uses a quick set. Bokuto received the ball towards me. I set the ball in a good height, there are two blockers in front of him, he can't make cross shot or straight shot that's why there's one thing in his mind. 

Umbrella shot.

With that umbrella shot, it makes us score again with a point.

"Not bad!" I smile. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Bokuto shouted while fist-bumping the air. 

Should I do that too? 

The games go on until we won because of the power of Bokuto-san. 

"We won! Congrats, y/n!" Bokuto said and hugs me. 

My face turns red for the sudden actions he made. 

"We won! Congrats too, Bokuto." I hug him back.

Even we are full of sweat we manage to hug each other. Bokuto smells so good even he covers in a sweat. We both released our hugs.

"Let's eat! I'll treat you!" Bokuto said with a smile on his face.

"Sorry. I have a part-time job after class." I look away. 

I don't want to reject him, but that's the truth.

"How about Saturday?" Bokuto asks.

Wait? Is he asking me to go out with him? Wait I am free on that day!

"Sure. I'm free on Saturday." I smile sweetly at him. 

1:43 AM; bokuto koutaroWhere stories live. Discover now