Chapter 10

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Bokuto's POV

We must win

That's the only thing on my mind. 

We need for y/n. 

"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi tossed the ball at me.

I spiked the ball with a smile on my face.

I hope y/n is doing well today

"Nice spike, Captain!" Konoha complimented. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I shouted and fist bumps the air.

After the first set, I look at Akaashi. 

"Akaashi. I can't stop thinking about y/n." I said and drink my water.

"Oh no. Bokuto is now having an emo mode." Konoha whispered to Akaashi. 

"y/n will be ok, bokuto-san." Akaashi said. 

After the final set, we finally won! 

"Captain! Let's celebrate!" Konoha said. 

"Sorry! I need to see y/n! Celebrate without me!" I said and pack up all of my things.

My phone buzzed on the bag.


Congrats on winning!


Thanks, baby owl!


Celebrate with your friends.

Don't mind me :) 


Are you sure? 

Are you ok?


Yes. I am sure.

I am ok, Bokuto.


I'll be there by 6 PM!


Okay. See you :* 



I love you. 

I walk towards my team and told them I'll come to them. 

Everyone is enjoying the karaoke. Konoha keeps passing me the mic but I refuse him.

I look back again on my phone but y/n doesn't reply on my I love you.

Baby owl, my mind is going crazy. Please reply. 

"Got to go!" I said to my team and left them having fun. 

I texted Akaashi to tell them I left. 

At exactly 6 PM, I arrived at the hospital. 

"y/n. I'm here." I said and look around

the room is dark and the windows are closed.

I walk towards the bed and my eyes widened.

"Why the bed is empty?" I said. 

I look around the room. 

My heart starting to beat fast.

Don't tell me...

 I look at the bathroom but no one's there. I look at the hallway if she's just walking around but, no. Y/N is not there. I came back to the room and sit on the sofa.

I look at the table and I found a note. 


Meet me on the rooftop.

That's the note said. I rushed on the rooftop. 

I saw y/n sitting alone on the rooftop. I rushed towards her and hug her. 

"I thought you were gone. You scared me." I said and hug y/n tightly. 

y/n hugs me back and laughs weakly.

"Sorry for scaring you. I found this place yesterday." y/n said. 

y/n released the hug.

The view is city lights and above those city lights are the moon and stars shining bright. 

"Also! I brought snacks too. I told you I'll treat you after the game right?" y/n said and shows me the 3 flavors of pocky. 

"How did you get some food?" I look at a bunch of these foods.

"With the help of the nurses that I know." y/n said and pointed at the 3 nurses on the door. 

I wave at them and they wave back. 

"Congrats again for winning." y/n greeted. 

"Thank you, y/n" I said and smile. 

After hours of sitting and cuddling while looking at the view. y/n sudden throw a straightforward question.

"What are your plans when I'm gone?" y/n asked. 

This is so sudden. I don't want to think about that. She's here that the only matter on me. 

"Don't say that. You're strong. I know you can do it." I said caressing her hair. 

"I  wish I can put all those stars in my veins to keep me alive." y/n said while looking at the stars. 

I hug her tightly. My tears starting to fall.

"Please. Be strong for me." I said. 

"I'm always strong for you, Bokuto." y/n said. 

"Let's enjoy the stargazing for now." I said still hugging y/n.

I don't know what will happen when you're gone, y/n. I don't want to think about it. I don't want you to leave me. It is selfish, but please. Please be strong for yourself and me. I don't want to lose you. 

"The stars are like you, y/n. Pale but shining bright and beautiful." I pointed at the stars. 

"You're my moon, Bokuto. You always keep me shining bright and feel alive." y/n said. 

1:43 AM; bokuto koutaroWhere stories live. Discover now