Chapter 5

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After 30 minutes of traveling to Tokyo. We finally arrived.

"My neck hurts but I'm alive." I said while I'm stretching my body. 

"Come on. Let's go!" Bokuto said. 

Bokuto grabs my hand while we are walking to the crowded place. 

I didn't expect he will do this kind of thing. I can feel the heat on my cheeks. 

We finally arrived in front of a museum, but I didn't see the name of it because Bokuto keeps pulling me in a rush. 

I stopped and look at the place. 

"Wait, I know this place, this is familiar." I said while looking around.

I look at Bokuto as he smiles at me.

"I know because you want to go here, right?" Bokuto said with a smile on his face. 

"Yes. This is Planetaria Tokyo!" I said with an excited tone.

I look around while Bokuto is giving the ticket pass to the lady. 

I look like a kid who's having a field trip with Daddy. 

 "It's so beautiful." I said. 

I hold Bokuto's hand and smile at him.

"Thank you, Bokuto. You made my day." I said.

Bokuto suddenly pulls me to him to hug me.  

"Come on! Let's enjoy it here!" Bokuto said and pulls me again to look around.

1:43 AM; bokuto koutaroWhere stories live. Discover now