Chapter 4

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It's Saturday morning. My phone beep first thing in the morning. 


Good morning, y/n!!

I'll pick you up. 

Be ready!!


You're so early. 


We will be going to Tokyo!!

Come on!!


 Just come inside when you are already here. I'll unlock the door.



"He's so early. I thought owls are sleeping in the mornings, but why this owl is so energetic at this hour. Well, I need to get ready because this trip will be so long." I started to move to make myself presentable. 

After 20 minutes of getting ready, I came down the stairs to grab my shoes. 

"Wow. You look so good." Bokuto looks at me from head to toe. 

"Jesus! You scared me!" I said while holding my chest. 

My heart will leap out at this rate because of him. I forgot that I told him to come inside if he's here. 

"Sorry, y/n." Bokuto is laughing at me while I wear my shoes. 

After I wear my shoes, I stood up and look at him.

"Let's go?" I ask. 

Bokuto grabs my hand while we are walking outside of my house. 

"Come on!" Bokuto said with an excited tone. 

He looks excited about this trip. I am looking forward to it. 

While Bokuto is pulling me to the train station, I didn't realize that I am looking at his face with a smile on my lips. 

"Why are we going  to Tokyo?" I ask.

I sit on the window side and Bokuto is on the aisle side. 

"It's a secret! You will know when we get there!" Bokuto said. 

"So it's a surprise?" I persist. 

"Yes, it is a surprise!" Bokuto said. 

I chuckled.

I hope he doesn't get mad at me while we are on the train. 

"Now, sleep in my shoulder I know you're still sleepy." Bokuto said.

Bokuto is pulling my head with his left hand while his right shoulder is open to sleep. His right arm is wrapping around my back while I'm leaning on his right shoulder. At this moment, we look like couples. 

I blushed on that thought.

"Why are you blushing?" Bokuto tease.

"Nothing. I'll sleep now." I look away.

I close my eyes and fall asleep on his shoulder. 

1:43 AM; bokuto koutaroWhere stories live. Discover now