Chapter 9

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Bokuto's POV 

Someone caressing my hair so gently. I open my eyes slowly and I saw y/n smiling at me weakly.

"Bokuto, wake up." y/n said while caressing my hair. 

"Huh?" I said and rub my eyes. 

"Go home. You need to rest. I texted Akaashi to pick you up." y/n gently said. 

I look at her and touch her hands. 

"No. I'll stay here." I said looking down. 

I don't want to leave her alone in this hospital. y/n will be lonely. I don't want that. 

"You need to rest." y/n said stroking her thumb on my hands.

I look at her and y/n show her lovely weak smile. 

I can't take this, y/n is so fragile right now. I want to be on her side.

"Bokuto-san. We need to go home. You can visit her tomorrow." Akaashi said behind me. 

I look at Akaashi to convince him. 

"She needs to rest too." Akaashi added.

y/n grab my face gently to look to her way. 

"Visit me tomorrow, after your game." y/n pull my face to her to kiss my forehead.

"Please. Call me if you need anything." I gave up. 

The forehead kiss makes me weak. 

"I will. Don't worry about me." y/n said and smile at me. 

Akaashi and I left the hospital. It's midnight and we can catch the last train. 

"Akaashi. I'm still worried about her." I said and look at my phone again if y/n replied.

I texted y/n a lot when I left at the hospital. 

"She will survive. You know her, she's strong." Akaashi said. 

My phone vibrated. I look at it and it's y/n's reply.


Don't worry about me. I'm still alive and breathing. 


 That's not funny :( 

I'm still worried you know. 


Focus on your game tomorrow. 


I'll come after the game. 


I love you.


I love you. 

"How can she joke around when she's sick and fragile." I said and sigh. 

"Be strong for me y/n. I'll win the game tomorrow for you." I said and close my eyes to sleep. 

1:43 AM; bokuto koutaroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora