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• Ayla Blacks POV •

I opened my eyes to the slight bit of sun shining through the window, I could just tell how early it was. Not being at Hogwarts really does screw you over.

After laying in bed with Ginnys quiet breathing in the background while I contemplated my life decisions, I finally decided to get up and just go downstairs.

I stayed as quiet as I could while I got out of bed and walked out of the room to not wake up Ginny.

I walked into the living room to Fred and George awake already.

"Damn you two are up early" I said

"Can't sleep when we're not at Hogwarts" They both said. I'll never not think it's creepy how they do that.

"Me too, don't worry" I said sitting on the couch with them, which just happened to be next to Fred.

"You can cuddle up with me if you want darling" He said

"You're still going at this?" I asked

"He never backs down from a bet" George said

"Ah" I said, that makes a lot of sense.

"Leave the poor girl alone Fred. Good morning Ayla" Molly said from the kitchen

"Morning Mrs.Weasley" I said

"I hope Ginny wasn't too loud, that girl can snore let me tell you" She said

"I actually didn't notice anything, but I can guarantee that Lupins snoring is worse" I said

"Oh god I don't even want to imagine that" She said

"Yeah is it weird to have your uncle as your teacher?" George asked

"I mean I can't take him serious but I still do all the work and I'm passing the class so I'll take it" I said

"Aylaaaaaa" I heard as Charlie walked in from the kitchen and jumped on the couch next to me

"Ew I forgot you're a morning person" I said

"Lovely morning innit?" He said

"You're unnatural" I said

"We all are, you know, hence the witches and wizard thing" He said, the look I gave him was enough for him to break into laughter apparently.

"Well, then you're extra unnatural" I said

"God I've missed you Black" He said as Ginny came down the stairs.

"Are you torturing poor Ayla?" She said

"Not at the moment" Charlie said

"Charles!" Molly yelled from the kitchen

"Sorry mum" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Surprised you're not stuck in a book at the moment" He said

"I'm boycotting Lupins book suggestions" I said

"I have a good suggestion" He said

"I'm not reading how to train your dragon again" I said

"Okay I'm out" He said

"If you're a book nerd talk to Percy, he's always has his nose in a book" George said

"I do not" Percy said

"You're doing it right now" Fred said

"It's fine Percy, she does it too, like constantly" Charlie said

"Well she doesn't speak to people, so she has an excuse, him on the other hand" Fred said

"Jeez Fred lighten up on her" Charlie said

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