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The cab driver pulled up in front of the deli and I handed him some cash before stepping out and telling him thank you, but all he did was almost run over my foot whilst driving away at a probably illegal speed. Dick.

After gaping at the taxi that sped off down the road, I straightened my blazer and walked inside, but, not without noticing how familiar the car out front looked. Inside, there weren't many people but it still looked a little busy with it being around lunch time. A few people behind the counter that displayed pies, macaroons and other delicious pastries and sandwiches, called out a welcome to me. I smiled and gave a small, awkward wave before searching the little deli for my new friend. That was when I saw him. He was sitting in the very back, at a table for two beside a window, a smile on his face as he cut-up with a girl I didn't know; his mouth moving a mile a minute. She had blonde hair, but that was about all I could see since her back as facing me. I stood there for a minute, not knowing what to do or say, but I figured I probably looked like a proper idiot doing so, so I walked slowly still looking for Jack; my eyes always finding themselves drifting to Harry.

When I finally found Jack, he was only a few tables away from Harry and whoever that girl was. He hadn't seen me yet, he was doing something on his phone. I silently cursed him in my head. I wasn't exactly sure how to feel right now, I mean, it wasn't like me and Harry were a couple or anything. It's not like he is tied down to me, or me to him, but we definitely were not nothing. But who was he to be the only one at fault? Here I was, coming to meet another man. Even though it was only friendly since I was most definitely not on the market. He could be meeting another co-worker, I suppose. It still hurt, though, to see him smiling with another girl. What hurt the most was that it was obvious that he had known her for quite some time. I felt little remorse when I swiftly started walking over to Jack, hoping to go unnoticed by Harry. Maybe if I just looked in another direction, he wouldn't see me. So I started in the direction, my head faced opposite of Harry, like I was looking for someone.

However, that didn't seem to go as originally planned, for when I was walking passed his table, an arm grabbed my own, forcing me to a halt.

"Grace." Was all he said, a small smile still on his face.


"Are you okay, you look a little..," Harry looked fairly concerned when he asked, but I didn't really know what to think. Was he really doing this and talking to me right in front of this girl?

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just-" Jack must have seen Harry pull back on my arm because suddenly he was marching right up beside me.

"Is this guy bothering you?" Jack asked, his voice stern. Immediately, I felt Harry's hand slip from my arm down to my hand to protectively pace our fingers together. I almost blushed. I had only met this guy a couple hours ago and now he was trying to protect me? But from what? The little gummy bear I know Harry Styles to be?

"No," I said at the same time Harry looked at him with disgust and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"Who are you?" Jack spit back, but somehow staying formal. I felt Harry squeeze my hand a bit tighter.

"I'm her boyfriend. I think I asked you first, now who the hell are you? Grace, do you know this bloke?"

I nod, unable to say anything. He just called himself my boyfriend. There was an annoyance in his voice though, one that I couldn't put a finger on. Did he want to be my boyfriend? Did he think we were together? Were we?

"O-oh. Oh. Um, I'm just a friend of- of Grace's. At work. Just at work. That's all. I'm sorry to disturb you, it was just- I thought- never mind. I'm actually about to head out, I just remembered something that I... forgot. Yeah. I'll see you later Grace, at work. If you get the job. I'm sure you will. Anyway, um, bye." Rambled off picking up his things and leaving while I stood dumbfounded. What the hell was that? I looked at Harry, and he shrugged. Suddenly, we all started laughing; even the unknown girl sitting across from Harry.

"What a fucking wimp!" The nameless girl said after our laughs started to go down.

"Well, then. I was hoping he'd pay for my lunch." I pouted.

"It's fine, you can sit with us," Harry offered, a genuine smile on his lips.

"It's only a table for two," I stated the obvious.

"You can sit in my lap." Harry pointed out, nonchalant. He then pulled at my hand, backing up his chair, and patted his lap, signaling for me to take a seat. Awkwardly, I sat down on his lap and he rested his hands on my hips.

"Grace, I've been meaning to introduce you to Tris. She works with me at the Blue Room, had for, like, ever. Tris, this is Grace."

Tris reached her hand over the table and I took it, "it's nice to meet you."

"Same to you finally. You're all he talks about." I blushed at her statement.

"All good things I hope."

"There's only good things to talk about," Harry purred in my ear and my cheeks flushed even further.


Jack is played by Jack Harries I think. Idk. He can be whoever you wish for him to be

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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