t h r e e

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"So how did you get a job at The Blue Room?" I just sat her coffee on her chosen table in the back.

"Uh," maybe I should just walk away, I feel strangely comfortable talking to her, "My, uh, uncle actually owns the place. That's also why I came down here, well me and- never mind."

"Your Uncle own it?" A sigh of relief falls from my lips as she doesn't ask about who else I was going to say. I suppose she has enough decency to not ask about things she shouldn't. Maybe Ben said something.

"Ehm, yeah."

"Do you- I hate to be that girl- but, do you think he could get me a job?"

"I don't know... I should really get back to work." I dismiss her and go back behind the counter awaiting my next customer.


After my seemingly endless shift, I noticed a figure behind me as I hung up the black apron. I knew it was her. Who else would it be.

"If you need a ride home, I'm sorry. Your not riding with me. I have... I have things to do." I haven't turned to see her yet.

"Like what? It's past ten, what could there possibly be to do." I couldn't tell her I was going to see Her.

"Like nothing. Do I need to lend you m phone or something?" I face her, she looks as if I had told her I was breaking up with her.

"No, I'm fine. I have my phone, I can call Ben. Sorry to interrupt your time for whatever your going to do." she turned to leave the break room-which I have no idea how she made it back here in the first place-but turned at the door, "I don't have enough cash. I had only brought enough for a drink. My original plan was to hope my brothers ass-hole of a roommate had enough decency to give me a ride."

She crosses her arms when I don't reply.

"Or at least spot me some cash and call me a cab," I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and slowly reopening them.

"Fine... I can give you a ride, but you have to stay in the car," I grab my keys from the my ''personal items'' shelf, "let's go."

It's not that I wanted to be an ass hole to her; it wasn't that I was really an ass hole, yet then again, maybe I was.

Before Gemma left, I was nice, I was sweet, I had relationships and I could be romantic and I could care. But now, now that the only person I had left was gone, I became different. I didn't care, I didn't listen, I didn't associate, an I didn't want to. I felt lost, emotionally drained, and blank. I had lost my mind and my heart, and trust me, they are long, long gone.


The stop at the cemetery did not last long. She stayed in the car. She didn't question anything, stayed mostly quiet. I was thankful when she didn't attempt to comfort me when I returned to the car silently crying for a few minutes with my forehead pressed against the wheel, before I head back down the road. (It was embarrassing enough to break down in front of her like that.) That was until we stopped at a red light. It had started raining since we left her stone.

"Who is she?" Graces voice is soft. Hardly leaving a dent in the silence of the small space. I suck in my lips staring at the red light, waiting for it to turn emerald. Horrifyingly enough, though, this may be the longest light on the stretch of concrete, "You don't have to answer."

To the fact that she is offering me the choice and space, I feel as if I owe it to tell her.

"My sister."

"You were close weren't you?" I dare to peek my eyes over to the blonde. She had her gaze focused out her side window watching the water droplets racing down the widow.

"Yes." the light finally turns and I speed down the street. My hands tightening around the wheel.

"Can I ask for her name?"

Can she; yes. But am I willing to give out her name?

"Gemma." My voice whispers. The word feels foreign on my tongue.

"It's beautiful." I can't help the tears that run down, staining my cheeks in the process. The droplets salty when I wipe my tongue across my lips in attempt to cease the tremble.

"She was beautiful." Jaw shakes as well as my hands forcing me to pull the vehicle to the side.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to like-"

"No, stop. I don't need it, just stop," I weep to her. My glassy eyes staring back into her blue ones.

"Stop what?"

"Pitying me! goddammit, you ask so many fucking questions, just stop already I can't take it all!" My shaky tone yells and the lump in my throat disappears as it is replaced with annoyance and a slight fragment of anger.

The rest of the car ride is silent.

<please read Tomorrow.>

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