s e v e n t e e n

39 3 3

So much update hi

You can add pics on the app now, wow

I felt it was appropriate idk

I don't know what this chapter is tbh but it's short so


334 days before


My thumbs moved quickly on the black controller in my hands. I bit my lip determined to win the complex racing game. Harry's red corvette was directly I front of my own, but when ever I tried to get in front of him, he would be to quick to move before I could get in the lead. It was the last lap.

"Stop riding my ass, I've basically already won."

"In your dreams, Styles!" I change in gears to my vehicle and have another attempt of passing the asshole. I raise my elbow yelling go gO GO, for the finish line was up ahead.

"Get of my way, loser," I practically scream. The curly haired boy, who desperately needed a haircut, laughed loudly.

"You really think lifting your arm is going to help you win?" I open my mouth to say something but close it just as quick, putting my game face back on. I swerve right and then run into Harry's car before he can react. His car flies up into the air, flipping twice and smashing to the ground as I run over the finish line. Game Over covers the screen and my car is shown on a pedestal. I burst into giggles for Harry's face was still in shock, staring blankly at the tv.

"WHAT!? NO, YOU..YOu..you..,"

"I..I..I.." I mock him. He turns swiftly pointing a finger right at me.




"Whoa, whoa, whoa.. What's going on here?" Ben suddenly walks into the room.

"Your sister, here, is a cheater!"

"What!? I am not!"


323 days before


Like most nights that I got back home late from working at The Blue Room, Grace was perched up on a stool in the kitchen, a mug in her hand, with her eyes barely open.

"You know you don't have to wait up for me." I say walking up to her after sitting my things down on the counter. I run my fingers up her warm back a few times and she closes her eyes, yawns, and forces a small, sleepy smile.

"I know... I just like to know you come home okay." I kiss the top of her head and smooth her hair down a bit.

"I know you do, now go to bed. I have a surprise for you tomorrow." I wink at her, leaving the kitchen.

Ben moved out and into his girlfriends house last weekend, meaning Grace and I had had the place to ourselves. That doesn't mean that we've been having crazy sex every night now that he's, in fact we haven't done it at all. I really like Grace and i want to take things slower, smoother. I want us to be something that lasts for a long time.

After I get out from my shower, I dry off and change into a pair of sweatpants and crawl into bed, hoping the night goes by fast. Tomorrow, I have something for us planned. A sort of date, if you will.

grace h.sWhere stories live. Discover now