e l e v e n

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"Harry," I hear a whisper and something under my head move. I wish whoever it was would shut up. They've been saying my name for the past minute. My pillow wiggles and I jump up and scurry backward. Pillows are not supposed to move. My eyes wide I look over to Grace I now know I had been laying on. Within seconds I put together falling asleep sitting against the couch on the ground, nodding off, sliding down and cuddling up with a pillow-well what I though was one-and going back to sleep, my head comfortable on my new found pillow-Grace.

"I'm sorry." My voice wants to be strong but it's not. It is weak and stuttering and cracks in weird places. Why do I have to make everything so awkward? I clear my throat, "I didn't know-"

"Oh, no, it's fine. I just had to pee." She stands and brushes her pants. That's when a see it, she doesn't notice it yet, but I do; a drool stain, about the size of the little circle you get when you touch the tips of your forefinger and thumb. She smiles and walks to the guest bath.

In the time Grace was doing her business, I happened to check the time, seeing that I had less than twenty minutes to be at work. Quickly, I dressed in jeans and an old t-shirt printed with a band I don't even like anymore. I sprayed a fair amount of dry shampoo and headed to the door grabbing my keys. I didn't quite make it to the door without being interrupted.

"Oh, there you are. Where're ya going?" Graces smooth account sounded sweet and curious.

"Oh, uh, work. Why?" Her eyes scrunched together questionably.

"I thought you didn't work on Sundays?"

"Sunday? Today is Sunday?" I pointed to the ground, indicating this very day.

"Yeah." Her sun freckled cheeks reddened. I walked forward, my shoes directly in front of her toes. I could feel her breaths under my chin.

[graces pov] (ermagerd)

He was standing so close. His eyes peered down on me, his closed crooked smile was being held back as his arm reached around me to put down his keys on the island that was behind me. I could smell Harry's natural cologne essentially made up of soap and detergent and something else that I could only describe as him. Harry's arm stood still like that for a second as I stared up at his towering height. I almost wanted to just stand up on my tip toes and press my lips against his kissable looking ones. They were such a rosy red-pink and the way they moved around each accented word that id seen in the few times I'd spoken with him was mesmerizing. Sometimes when he talked to Ben or even to me a couple times I could hardly focus on the things he was saying because I was so caught up in looking at those damned lips.

I took a hesitant step forward, our eyes still locked. I didn't want to disturb our somewhat friendship by doing what I was going to do, but my toes raised and a couple inches was added to my height. I cline my head up resting my hands on his jean covered hips and slightly close my eyes. My breath hitched as I felt his breath on my lips. Harry slowly brought his head down some and as soon as his lips were so close they were about to brush my own, we both jumped back as Benny opened the apartment door soaking wet. Eyes wide with shock, Harry fast-walked to his room, slamming the door.

"It's pouring out there." He shakes his head, sprinkles of water going in all directions.

"What's up with him?" Ben seemed confused as he kicked off his flip flops by the door and walked into the kitchen.

"Honestly, I have no idea." my voice struggled to sound casual and Ben raised a brow at me. I shrug playing with a frayed piece of carpet with my foot.

"Well, I guess I'll head to bed..."

"Are you sure?," Ben says looking back from his bent position in front of the refrigerator, "it's only like eight. I figured we could hang out."

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