n i n e t e e n

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321 days before
Harry's pov

It's was nearing three in the morning when I entered the apartment as quietly as I could, trying not wake anyone who might have been sleeping. The apartment was dark, all except the faint tv light coming from my bed room. I slipped my shoes off, placing them by the door. My keys were dropped carelessly on the counter top. I downed a glass of water, sitting the glass in the sink to clean later. In my room, Grace was curled up on my pillow, a movie playing on the television. Smiling slightly, I stripped down to my boxer-briefs. I brushed my teeth in the dark and decided to shower in the morning, mostly out of fear of waking Grace. I turned the television off and climbed into my bed feeling uncomfortable with the opposite of side of the bed. Something incoherent came from Graces mouth when I attempted to make myself comfortable. I paused immediately, trying so desperately not to wake her. When soft puffs of air began to fall back into pattern, I slowly rested onto my side, pushing a stray piece of air from her face. I smiled, the thought of Grace wanting to sleep in my bed.

320 days before.

Rain pattered on the window sill for long hours. I watched the droplets roll down the glass for sometime before I had finally gotten up and ready. It was eleven in the afternoon by the time I was ready for the day. Work was in just over seven hours, so I had much time to myself before then. With nothing to do, and Grace out of the house, I slipped on my running shorts and t-shirt. I loved the summer showers, to be completely honest. Sure, the grass was soggy and my shoes sunk into it as I ran, but the cool water in contrasts to the warm air was pleasant in a way. The rain was slowed, only at a soft drizzle when I started to run. My legs taking me down the Main Street of downtown. Not many people littered the streets in this weather, mostly just businessmen and women. Which I reached three miles, I pulled out my phone--the rain practically non-existent.

"Hey babe," I talked into the receiver of my phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Ah, nothing much, Just got done with a run. You up for lunch?"

"Yeah, totally, just meet me at Ricks, 'kay? I got to go, I'll meet you there in ten. Bye, Harry, love you."

"Yeah, alright. Love you too, Tris. Bye." I clicked the phone shut and stuck it back into my pocket, walking to Ricks Deli since it was only a few blocks away.


Grace's pov

I pulled down at the front if my black blazer nervously, then adjusting the collar of my white shirt. Taking a deep breath I pushed open the doors to the corporation. The lady at the front desk raised her eyebrows at me as I approached her.

"Yes?" She smiled politely.

"Hi, um, I'm here for a, uh, job. I sent in my application about a week ago.. They emailed me back to come here?" I look around the room. To the right is a small sitting area with lime green walls and turquoise chairs with designer pillows. On the left, it looks like there is some sort of office.

"Oh, alright, you must be the 9:00 appointment." I nod.

"Okay, just go up to the sixth floor, take a right and it'll be the fourth office on the left." I murmur a quiet thank you and make my way to the elevator. I press the button to go up and wait until the lift arrives with a ding. Four businessmen step out talking about a recent football game and I step in. Shitty classical music plays above me and the elevator chimes once more as it stops at the second floor. A man in a navy suit and black tie steps on giving me a small nod, in which awkwardly return. He hits the number seven and the metal double doors close. I shift as the lift moves, very, very slowly, up to the designated floor.

"Are you here for Mr. Collins interview?" I turn my head quickly to the young man. He seems fit, mid twenties maybe, with dark hair and warm light brown eyes.

"Yes, I am." I reply curtly. He nods and sticks out his hand.

"Jack." He smiles a toothy smile showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

"Grace." I grasp his hand lightly and push a piece of hair behind my ear with the other. A strand falls out and we both reach to put it back in place at the same moment. Our fingers clumsily bump each others making me giggle as a small chuckle escapes Jacks lips.

"Sorry," we apologize simultaneously, causing another fret of laughter erupt. The elevated chimes at the sixth floor and I step out checking my watch, I only have a few minutes, "It was nice meeting you, Jack." I wave as the doors start to close.

"The pleasures all mine," he flashes another smile and my cheeks heat up.

After my interview with Mr. Collins, which honestly went better than I had planned, I made my way back down to the lobby, where Jack was also leaving.

"Hey, Grace!" He called me over, jogging to walk beside me, "Where are you headed?"

"Uh," I checked my watch, seeing it was about lunchtime, "Probably just going to grab some lunch before going back home, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering if you would want to get some with me?" I though it over, just a friendly, hopefully future, coworker asking for some lunch, nothing wrong with that.

"Yeah, sure, that'd be great. I'm starving."

"Great! So... Ricks Deli sound good to you?"

"Sounds perfect, I'll meet you there." I give him a smile and we started going our separate ways before I then realized I had no idea where I was going because I didn't have a car. I was going to just go ask Jack if I could ride with him but, 1. That would be awkward, and 2. He was already pulling out of the parking garage and onto the main road. Shit. I pulled out my phone and called a taxi.


Super shitty. It's been forever and I'm sorry.

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