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If you have not seen/(dare I say it) even heard (the) Thinking Out Loud music video/song, go do it (or listen to it--preferably both) now bc you have not lived until you have.
It has nothing to do with the story it's just freaking AMAZINGGGG
322 days before
Graces pov
Noon rolled by and Harry and I pull up to a small store with a gigantic barrel sign reading "The Candy Barrel." We both get out of the car and I scuff my sandals on the dirt parking lot.
"Why the hell are we at a candy shop? More importantly, why are we at a candy shop that looks like we may get shot?" Is Harry going to kill me? Is he going to skin me alive and feed me to an old man who lives in a well?
"Shhh, I've got this whole thing planned so don't ruin it. And me and Gem used to come here all the time, trust me is amazing." He smiles and takes my hand into his.
We walk into the warehouse looking building and the place lights up. Candy, of all sorts and sizes, flavors and colors, line the walls from one end to the other. The store is huge and I don't think I've ever been to a place this amazing. Scattered in random places across the shop are big barrels rimmed with assorted taffies and gum balls, chocolate bars and gumdrops.
"Oh my god, Harry," I look back at him wide-smiled, "this is amazing!" I spin around and gaze at the place.
"Yeah, I know right. I got the owner, Bill, to let us have the place for a few. Get whatever you want, it's on me." My mouth falls and Harry hands me one of the plastic bags on a hanger. I go around the huge store and fill the bag with all different candies. I realize I'm alone and go out to search for Harry. I don't see him so I decide to call out his name, no reply. Skeptically, I look around the corner seeing one of those marshmallow guns. Beside the stack of them, is a barrel of marshmallows. Loading one of the guns, I creep around the store. Suddenly Harry jumps from behind one of the shelves and I scream, shooting my weapon of choice at him. A marshmallow gabs him in the eye causing him to wince.
"What the hell?" He says rubbing his eye. I feel bad and come toward him, touching his shoulder.
"Here, I'm so sorry, let me see it. I didn't mean to hit you in the eye I swear, I was just-"
"No, it's fine. It's fine." And suddenly I'm being pushed against a wall, Harry's fingers wiggling around on my stomach. Shrieks of laughter mixed in with the sound of happy music playing in the background. Candy from the shelves fall as a mess on the floor that we probably won't pick up. I push Harry as hard as I can in this state but he doesn't move a budge. He only tickles my sides harder and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. The smile on Harry's face was beautiful but I'm pretty sure I had about seven chins. When he finally stops I'm out of breath, my chest heaving up and down.
"Think twice before you decide to shoot me on the eye with a marshmallow."
"It was an accident, I swear."
It went a little quiet after that. Harry hovering over me becoming a little more apparent. He backed away quickly, coughing awkwardly as he did so. He seemed to do this a lot. Whenever we were in an intimate moment, or he catches himself opening up, he backs away and closes himself off. It's like getting a door shut in your face. But I understand that he's been through a lot. There is still so much he has yet to tell me and I respect that. He's a closed off person and so am I. He knows almost nothing about me, as I do not him, but, I guess that is what kinda makes this work. We weren't intimate, not yet, anyway.
It was nice, though. Just me and him at the apartment. It makes us look like a real couple, even though I knew we weren't. I knew our kisses and small touches were nothing but an easy distraction. He was finding closure, I could see it. He was opening up in his own way as well. Not always cooped up in his room with his music, not going for as many runs as he was once doing. He was smiling more and his smile was like an eye to a hurricane. When he was smiling and his dimples were showing and he radiated happiness, everything just felt okay.
I liked these little dates we had. The ones where we would take me random places, like this candy shop. It was nice. He was being me in, showing me things in found special to himself. And even if I didn't know his favorite color, or what he ordered at Joy of Tokyo, if it was special to him, it was special to me.

long time no update huh? I felt this chapter was messes scary because even though it was boring, like all my chapters lately, it showed how harry was kind of coming out of his shell a little bit. It also showed how Grace is really feeling about him at this point. Even though they doing know every loving detail about each other, she still feels very caring toward him. Their relationship is building and he is started to let her in, but is she going to let him in? We barely know anything about Grace but that might change in the next chpater..
I want a marshmallow gun
and a harry
and candy

btw thank you soossosososoosososO much for pretty much 900 reads guys that's amazing

grace h.sKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat