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I was only just opening the door to my piece of shit, when I heard it. Her voice. It was calling my name, loud and clear, and mostly drunk. I turn.

"Grace. What the hell are you doing?" I yell across the parking lot, more like the side of the strip. She was boggling over to me, swaying on her feet like she was on a boat. Giggles falling helplessly from her lips. I stood still until she was directly in front of me, now a frown covering her face. "My friends left me."

"And..." she then lunged her drunken self at my in a tight hug.

"Take me home." she whined loudly followed by more giggles, "that sounded dirty." more laughter erupted as she clung to me. Eventually she stood back on her feet and looked up at me.

"I love your eyes, they're really green. Like pears. I like pears, can we go have pears?"

"No, but we can go home. There are pears at home." Thankfully I can handle a drunk, hell my dad was for fifteen years of my life. Then I came here.

"Okaaaaaayy... Hey, Harry, guess what?"

"What?" I guide her into the passenger seat of the vehicle and she yawns. I attempt to buckle her in. As soon as it clicks, Grace hiccups. "I have only had sex twice! Only two times! Can you believe that? How many times have you done it?" I chuckle.

"Uh, more than two." many, many times.

"Oh, well maybe we can do it sometime. I told my friends about you and I told them I would tap you so hard." her drunken mouth makes me both blush and laugh even more.

"How about we just go home, yeah?" She nods and I shut the door, running over to the driver seat. it's silent for a while, the music set low enough so that if we wanted to talk we could. But honestly I don't believe much civilized conversation will be spoken.

"I'm so tired." Grace groaned beside me. I look at her for a moment before turning my attention back to the mostly empty road in front of us. She had he head in her right hand which was being supported by the window. Her eyes were closed and she slumped a little.

I took a deep breath in. "Go ahead and sleep-I will wake you up when we get back."

I received no response, only a light snore. I kind of smiled. Shook my head. Looked at the road. Drove.

I parallel parked on the side of the tarmac. Down Town was still buzzing, people littered the sidewalks. "Grace, we are here." I get out of the vehicle and walk along to the other side of the Honda. Carefully, since she didn't seem to be waking up any time soon, I took Grace into my arms, carrying her fit body to our flat. Opening the door was a tad bit difficult. At first I just laid her out onto her pillow top mattress. I looked at her. She seemed so uncomfortable. Quickly, I striped her of her clothing, leaving on the most important covering artifacts; my eyes not lingering anywhere for too long. I managed to get her to hazily climb under the protection of the sheets. As soon as then, I impart the room leaving the door cracked.

364 days before.

"What the fuck, Grace"

"I was only trying to help,"

"I don't fucking need your help,"

"I'm sorry okay?"

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it! do you realize what you've done?"

"What so you want me to say? I didn't know!"

This is what I had woken up to. Yelling. When the pillow atop my head wasn't keeping the noise out I took it into my own hands, tearing open my door.

"Would the two of you fucking cut it out in trying to sleep here. I understand that she did something and you obviously are not elated about it, and you did something that you shouldn't have and he's pissed-but there other people in this flat other than you two. If I hear another word I will personally attributably fix the problem myself-do I make myself clear?" my accent thick with wake.

"Yeah, Harry, sorry go back to your sweet little beauty sleep." Ben rolls his eyes.

"I would say something else, but it's too early for your mordacious shit." With that I closed the door and plopped back down on my bed. The last thing I remember is Graces voice, "Fine. But, what does 'mordiscus' mean?"


Three-fifteen I wake. The house is eerily quiet, unlike it was hours ago. My shower is quick, ever since Grace moved in my showers have been cut short; she uses all the warm water. Dressed in black jeans and I random band shirt, I tie my unruly hair up with a bandana. Ben is sitting up on the couch, an X-box controller in hand, Grand Theft Auto V playing on the screen.

My socks slide a bit as I walk around the small kitchen making a cup if milk and grabbing a Pop-Tart®.

For a few minutes it's quiet, the only sound being the game and my crunching.

"So what was going on this morning?" Ben doesn't answer for a few seconds then pauses GTA.

"Grace answered a work call, they were calling to confirm that I didn't want the promotion-you know the one I was talking about, the one where I would have to move to Georgia?-well, obviously I didn't want it. Anyway, she told them that I was confirming and that I would love the promotion. I had to call back and tell them that I didn't want it. She's always doing this-getting all up in other peoples business and it makes me sick. Honestly I- never mind, you probably don't care."

"I don't. Where is she anyway, Grace?"

"I don't know and I don't fucking care either, her ass isn't my problem. I'm not her baby sitter." The game is started again and my Pop-Tart is finished. I ball up the wrapper and go to throw it away and rinse out my cup of milk.

"Move over and restart." I grab the other controller turning it on.


The day off dragged on playing multiple games on the system. We probably would have been on it all night and only eating Cheetos if it weren't for the slam of the door and Grace prancing in, with the accompany of an unknown male attached to her lips making there way to her bedroom and slamming the door shut as well. They never even noticed us. And the everything got quiet, all except the moans traveling through the thin walls. I can hear my player getting shot all to hell and my controller buzzing each time until a deep voice called out "Game Over." That's when I finally look over to Ben; his jaw clenched, eyes furrowed, nostrils flares, and fists balled up at his sides.

"Just let it go, man." I try to distract him by blowing it off, but in all honesty, I myself can't blow it off. I don't like that. I can't get attached.

"Let it go? That's my sister in there!" he raises his voice slightly and stands, but I brush it off.

"Yeah, and she's her own person. If she wants some random guy to fuck her brains out, let her."

"In my own house?" I shrug.

"Whatever, I can't be in here while that's going on."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know..." he grabs his keys and drives off.

Over dramatic much?

Eventually, I couldn't stand the noise either and went into my room tuning only stereo in attempt to drown out the sounds even though every now and then I still heard a high pitched squeal.

<vote and read Tomorrow in my works pls!>

grace h.sWhere stories live. Discover now