t w e l v e

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[graces pov]

It wish he could have said it again, but slower - slow enough so I could write the whole thing down and read it again and again, analyzing every word until it all - every syllable - was etched deep in my head. Was this Harry - the entirely closed off and mostly grumpy guy - telling me, in his own special kind of way, that he was in some way falling for me - or at least saying that he wanted to?

Harrys eyes shown green even in the dark of the night, the color reflecting off of the street lights that littered every block. I wanted to say something, anything, but I couldn't. Nothing I could say would be enough because there is too much to say. Too much to tell this boy in front of me. This boy with his seemingly broken heart; this boy who lost his sister, the only person who understood him, the only person he could speak his heart to and now she is gone. This boy who wants to, but is so scared of falling in love because he is scared that they will leave him in the worst possible way.

The silence was defining. It was my turn to speak but with no words how can you speak? So instead I take a step forward and reach for Harry's hand, lacing my cold fingers through his. Then looking up at him with a small smile etched on my face. He looked back at me with confusion laced through his eyes.

"If you fall, I'll catch you."

[harrys pov]

"If you fall, I'll catch you," Grace whispered as her chilly fingers tightened around my own. I returned the favor offering her a smile. I hate to be the cliche type, but the way her hand fit in mine, it just felt... Right. I turned my head up toward the sky, looking at the pounding drops of rain fall from the black abyss. I remember doing this as a child and feeling like it was just me against the world. I close my eyes and feel the pellets fall on my face and feel the droplets run down my face and wetting my hair even more. When I open my eyes and look beside me I see Grace staring up at the sky as well. Her sea-blue eyes sparkle, standing out from the darkness. With her wet hair and lashes, she looked absolutely stunning and she wasn't even trying. Her head tilted right side up, scanning my face.

"It's so beautiful." Her wet lips surrounded the words carelessly, with the sparkle of happiness in her eyes. I look behind her at the empty road,

"Hey, look at that." I point to make emphasis on the nothing I was pointing at. Grace quickly turns to look at the nothing.

"Harry, I don't see anyth-" as she turns back to me I attach my lips to hers. She was surprised at first but once she relaxed her lips were oh-so-soft against my own. Slowly her eyes closed, as did my own as her hand moved to my neck deepening the kiss. I slowly move my hand to her waist and pull her closer. A warmth spread through my body starting at my neck and traveling through my arms to my fingers, down my torso, all the way to my toes and back up again. The electricity only intensified when our tongues hesitantly found each other fighting a battle of dominance, and she sure was a fighter. I smiled into the kiss as she finally gave up the fight between us two. Eventually needing to breathe, we both pull away. Puffs of our leave our mouths as we lean our foreheads against one another's. I dip my head once more, planting one last kiss on her lips before pulling away completely. Her red cheeks matched mine as she turned her head, bashful. Our hands the only thing still in contact.

Even with my mind still fuzzy and being unable to keep the smile off of my face and feeling unable to move, I pull lightly on Grace's hand and start walking back to home. Our feet splash in the puddles on the Tarmac beneath our shoes. There was now so much to say in the silence yet nothing to be said. When we finally reach the flat, I stop turn to Grace, tucking a loose strand of wet hair behind her ear. Her hair is darker when sodden. A group of about six people pass by laughing and giggling together under multiple colorful umbrellas.

I lean my body down to Graces height and move my lips next to her ear,

"You.. Are an amazing kisser." I then place a kiss to her cheek and stand back up, looking down at her. Grace motions to me with her finger for me to lean back down to her. Using her free hand, Grace cupped around my ear to keep her whispered voice from traveling.

"I believe that I could say the same for you.. Times twenty." She then plants a small kiss under the line of my jaw. When she pulled away, I could still feel the tingling of her lips pressed to my skin. To lead our way up the endless stairs to our flat, clothes sopping wet and sticking to our skin - so much I could faintly see the neon outline of Graces underwear through her shorts. When we eventually reached the top of the stairwell, i looked back at her, still with that stupid smile on my face. It was one of those smiles when you know that your smiling too widely, but I ultimately did not care. For the first time in a long time, I felt somewhat happy. I push the door open with a familiar squeak. Even now, I had continued to keep Graces smaller hand embraced in my larger one. She had not seemed to let up on the grasp she had on me and I was not one to complain; I quite liked holding her hand.

The air conditioning inside the apartment was cool against our wet skin and clothes. I could feel the hairs on my arms stand with each passing second and I could make out Grace shiver at the sensation of goosebumps that had risen on her skin. Grace and I stop walking when we met her bathroom door, which happened to be directly beside her bathroom door.

"I would advise a warm shower if your not a fan of having a fever in the morning." She bit her lip looking down at her drenched grey shirt and white lounging pants.

"Yeah... I guess I'll see you in the morning then?"

"Yeah, I guess so." With that I let her hand drop for the first time since she grabbed it. I turned around and went to my own bathroom, pealing the wet clothes from my body and hoping in the shower. As the water pelted my back all I could think about Graces lips and how they were on mine and how perfect they felt and how soft they were. I thought about how pink her cheeks had gotten and how I could feel that certain warmth spread throughout my body. I also thought about her neon underwear but that is a completely different story. Before I knew it, the water spewing out of the shower faucet had gone cold. Quickly tying a towel around my waist, I brush my teeth then make my way into my room, changing into a navy pair of boxer briefs and heading off to bed. That night I feel asleep with that stupid smile plastered on my face.

357 days before.

The next morning I woke feeling almost... Refreshed, maybe? Last night after I had went to bed, I slept amazing for the first time in a long time. My mind seemed so clear and light; I hadn't had any horrible or simply mad dreams. I sat up in bed leaning back on my arms, with my head tilted down, and lightly laughed to myself. Did last night actually happen? I pulled on a pair of sweats and actually opened my blinds for once. I brushed my teeth in my connected bathroom, then made my way to the kitchen to start my tea. I set the pot of water on the stove then open the far right cabinet. With one hand I reach for my box of Jasmine tea bags, while the other scratches my torso. When I open the box, I find that it is empty. I'll just get Ben to pick some up.

"Ben," I call out and cock my head waiting for a response. I receive no answer, "Ben!" I yell louder.

"He's at work." I spin around seeing Grace leaning against the bar with her hands crossed over her chest. A small smile played on her lips and she was so unbelievably innocent in the sexiest way possible.

"Hey," I move toward her only to be restricted by the cabinet door. My head collides with the hanging door and I let out a small yelp and close my eyes, surprised by the collision; I slide down to the floor. Suddenly I feel a pair of small hands on me, first my head and then on my face.

"Oh, my god. Are you okay?" I slowly open my eyes to the sensation of her hands cupping my face and the sound of her voice smooth as silk. I take note of how close she was and how if I only leaned in a couple inches my lips could brush hers.

"Yeah," I breathe out, my heart rate rising, "yeah, I'm- I'm great. How are you?"

Grace lets out an uneasy laugh while shaking her head slightly.

"I'm good. But seriously are you okay? Does your head hurt or anything?" She stepped up tiptoed and seemed to be examining my head.

"Yeah, but just in case I think you should kiss it better."

A/n: please vote and comment. Do you like the new name of the fanfic better? ...I do

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