Chapter Four

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"We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy."

-Ellen DeGeneres


"The rental comes with full access to the fitness center, the movie theater, and use of the private event room. Utilities included as well of course." The Realtor was walking and gesturing around the living space, she looked over at the two of us. "What do you think?"

I looked at Jessica, she knew that if I didn't approve of this place, she would not be staying here. I had already vetoed the last 5 places we had looked at over the weekend. Various reasons, I am not just a dick about things. One place had a fee for nearly everything they could think of and one had a clause in the contract where after a year the lease would be month to month, and they had the right to terminate at any time. Sleazy jerks, they used that as a ploy to raise the rent to an exorbitant amount after the first year or the resident could opt to move out. This place had potential though, it was a newer construction, decently priced, in a relatively nice neighborhood, and close to where Jess would be starting work in two weeks. I gave her a nod, I had requested the contract before hand and had already read it over, it was clean and solid.

"Really?!" she squealed. "Yes! We will take it!" she told the Realtor excitedly and bustled off to the kitchen to discuss the paperwork.

I looked around the empty, now silent room. She was almost there, almost gone. I didn't feel a sense of loss per se, but I did feel like a bit of my life would be emptier without her exuberance bouncing all around me. I remembered her excitement when she had opened her graduation present from me.

"A car?! You got me a car!" she jumped up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Well it's not new or anything, it's the car you have been driving for the last 3 years." I put my hands on her shoulder and kissed her head.

"But still, it's mine?" she squeaked.

"Yes, it is yours, you will be responsible for the insurance and maintenance now, but I wanted you to have a good vehicle for your new life."

"Thank you!" she grabbed me around the waist and squeezed me in a hug. She had been doing that more frequently, since the agreed termination of our arrangement. I wasn't a big fan of public touching or things like that, but I allowed her to be herself since she was no longer mine. She was, however, still mine to care for, and that I would be doing that to the fullest extent I could.

I looked around the living space and made a mental note to send the Realtor woman an email to discuss my desire to pay for the first 6 months of Jessica's rent and to arrange for the furniture delivery. Last week we had taken the whole weekend to go to all the home goods stores she could find and write down anything that Jess wanted, along with the cost, so she could "save up" for everything. What she didn't know was I was taking careful notes and had already purchased the necessities for her so that she would be comfortable and not stressed as she began working full time at the hospital. She could still save up for the frivolous items she had decided would be nice to have. I had done my best to teach her all about financial planning during our 3 years together, as well as other practical life skills. I had a hard-fast rule that my submissives would benefit from their time with me. I basically require a TPE relationship. That's Total Power Exchange for those of you playing the home game. I take care of everything while they are with me and they put up with my workaholic lifestyle without complaint. I couldn't justify dropping them off on a corner when our relationship had met its end.

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