Chapter Seven

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"Because we all eat lies when our hearts are hungry"

― Penelope Douglas


"Hey Miranda?"

I heard the call over the ear piece we used to communicate in the store. I was in the back finishing up a count out of the tills from registers we were no longer going to be using for the night.

"Yes, go ahead"

"I have a customer wishing to purchase the digital camera on sale in the ad"

"OK What color?" I would have to get it out from the electronics cage in the stock room and take it all the way to the front of the store. Ugh. Walking was still a bit painful, even after two weeks at home on recovery from my accident. Not my idea either, two weeks had cost me, severely. Even with workers comp paying me for my time, it wasn't a full paycheck and I couldn't get overtime, which I relied upon heavily to make the ends meet. To top it off, due to the medications the doctors had put me on I was ineligible to donate plasma for the next month. Another source of income taken.

Now I was back but on light duty, which meant I usually hung about the office, helping at the customer service desk when needed, and making change in the cash office. Nick had done me a solid too and was training me to run the cash office to open and close when Rita, our usual lady, was off or on vacation, a job he typically had filled in himself.

"He said if the pink one is available if not then the white." Came the crackly voice.

Oh, and I got to gopher the pricey items out of the electronics cage that we kept locked to avoid theft. You know "go for this" or "go for that", it's a stupid thing we came up with one day as a joke and it stuck.

"Got it" I replied and shoved the last till into the safe before closing it.

As I hobbled my way to the back another voice came over the head set.

"Andrew are you still in towels?" it was Justin's.


"Would you pop into the stock room and pick up that camera, so Miranda doesn't have to walk all the way to the front?"

"Sure thing boss"

I froze, on one hand, I was relieved that I didn't have to trudge up there but on another I didn't want to accept favors from Justin.

The morning after the accident I had woken up alone, and naked, my coverlet had been pulled over me but my leg was still propped up on the mound of pillows and I was stiff from being in the same position all night.

I was confused at first, having not remembered coming home from work, let alone why I fell asleep naked. Then bits and pieces started to float in. Justin, being undressed, us fooling around. I tried to pull all the pieces together, but it seemed to be laced with a haze I couldn't penetrate. I could clearly tell that at some level I was enjoying it but for some reason I couldn't put my finger on, it didn't feel right.

I unlocked the cage and pulled out one of the pink cameras just as Andrew burst through our stock doors. I handed it to him with a thanks and turned back to lock up the cabinet.

I felt a hand snake its way around my waist and I gave a little shriek.

"Shh" a male voice at my ear "you don't want anyone to come back here and investigate now do you?"

"Justin?" I asked, whispering back for no apparent reason.

"That's right baby, I've been waiting to get you alone again." His hand caressed my thigh under my skirt. "I like this skirt, makes it easy for us to goof off while at work." He traced a line with his finger along the top edge of my panties. I was wearing a skirt because, well that's all I owned save for a single pair of jeans. Dominick didn't like me to cover my legs, he would actually get mad in the winter when I had to wear tights or leggings because of the cold. I usually wore leggings at work, but the stitches and bandage made them incredibly uncomfortable at the moment.

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