Chapter Nine

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"The measure of a man is what he does with power." —Plato


Justin kept his word, and I was pulling every extra shift or overnight I could get approval for. With what I was making, plus donating plasma twice a week, I actually had a little money saved up once I paid of Grandma's account.

Then the car died. To be fair it was a 20 year old Chevy that had been my mom's. The mechanic was doing his best to keep it running but I was going to have to face the possibility that I would have to get another car soon. This time it was costing me $800 to fix, I gave the mechanic the $400 I had managed to save up to get started and promised to make weekly payments until it was paid off. By my calculations, I could get my car back in a month. Until then it looked like I was walking to work. Luckily, I lived behind the store and next to an All-Mart, so walking was fine. I would have to price a cab or an Uber to take me to visit Grandma though. Guess I was back to minimal visits. At least she didn't remember the weeks that I couldn't come by anymore.

Justin was coming over Wednesday nights so that I could fulfill my part of our arrangement and thus far hadn't crossed any limits I couldn't handle. Ian and Dominick had made sure that I had training in all areas of submission and that my tolerances were up to standard. I had only completely passed out once and Ian said it was my fault because I hadn't eaten all day. From then on I made sure to have a sandwich before he wanted to keep me tied to the bed for the night. Dominick had increased my pain tolerance by reminding me that childbirth was the worst pain imaginable so if a woman could breathe through it and deliver a baby, then I shouldn't have any problems.

Most of the time Justin just like to play around with the toys or occasionally tying my hands together and then fuck me quickly. He never stayed for more than an hour, which was fine with me. I was comfortable being alone. I was alone so often as a child while my parents worked multiple jobs to pay the bills and to fund my schooling.

So, the Wednesday after my car died I decided to ask him for a ride home.

"Hey Justin?" I found him in the office, now empty since it was past the normal working hours of our limited office staff and too early for the night shift supervisors to be in here rummaging through the manifests of the delivery trucks.

"Yes my little whore?" I winced, I didn't like it when he called me that at work, but the one time I asked that he not do it I got pinched on the back of my arm so hard it bruised. I mean I guess he had the right to, and he never did it around where other people could possibly hear him, so maybe I was just being too sensitive.

"So, my car is in the shop and since you are coming over tonight anyway, I thought maybe I could ride with you?"

"You know we shouldn't be seen together outside of work, right?" he didn't even look up from the manifests.

"Well yes, but" he cut me off.

"So, you want to risk our agreement so that you don't have to walk a half a mile, is that right?"

"No that's not what I meant, I" he cut me off again.

"You just want the easy way out huh? You need something from me, and you want me to just give it to you?"

"Ummm, no?" I sputter.

"So, were you prepared to offer me something in exchange?" he raised his eyebrow at me expectantly.

"I, uh," I am stalling for time to think. How could I be so stupid, of course I would have to do something in exchange, that's how it worked. Your Dom did something for you, so you would give him something in return. If I needed something I would give him what he wanted.

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