Chapter Eight

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"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" -Unknown (1659 AD)


"I am just sayin bro, you could come with us at the convention this weekend. It's the perfect place to relieve some tension and not have any commitments later."

I was sitting across from my twin brother Ryan and his girlfriend/sub/ whatever they decided they were to each other at the moment. We tried to have dinner once a week, which was sometimes difficult depending on our caseloads at the firm.

Ryan was in Family law, which I found amusing since his demeanor outside of the court room would not inspire anyone's confidence in handling their family matters. But inside the court room he would fight ruthlessly to achieve the best possible outcome for his client, usually the mother but he was always ready to go to bat for a worthy father wanting custody from a mother who was just after the child support.

He was my polar opposite in a lot of ways, he was lean muscle while I was broader shouldered. His hair was light like our mothers and mine was darker like our father. He was outgoing, impulsive, and perpetually upbeat, while I tended to be more reserved, calculated and while I was not dour, I did have the tendency to be broody as my mother put it.

We were fraternal twins. And looked enough alike that we were obviously brothers, aside from that, it tended to shock people when it came out that we were twins.

"Yea" Emily chimes in, "and this one is mostly littles, I know quite a few who wouldn't mind a weekend daddy". She was batting her eyes like a little girl trying to get a pony for her birthday.

Ryan and Emily were also into the lifestyle, just in a different way than I preferred. They subscribed to the Dd/lg community of BDSM.

And while I would never kink shame anyone's choices, the Daddy Dom/little girl play had never really appealed to me.

"No thank you, if I wanted children, I would have them"

Emily rolled her eyes at me, sat back in her chair, and pouted, mumbling something under her breath. Ryan leaned over to stroke her hair.

"Now Cupcake, Uncle Nate knows very well that littles aren't actually little, he is just trying to upset you, it's his sadist side coming out." Turning her to face him while he spoke, then he glared at me.

I gave Emily a flirty wink, she was just an easy target. "I am not a sadist" I look pointedly at Ryan. "That's Dads game not mine." Ryan gave me a reluctant eye roll shrug, probably remembering when we had first learned of this lifestyle.

Our father had decided when we were 16 that it was time to teach us what it meant to be a man, and how a proper man treats a woman, he and Mom had started teaching us about their life style that evening. Mom and Dad had always had a very loving outward relationship, and that didn't change in their private lives either. But what neither of had known was that in a little used part of the house, well we thought it was little used, was Mom and Dads sex dungeon.

They had been very open about sex and what it meant to be with another person and encouraged us to be open too and to ask questions when we had them. So by 16 we both knew enough to not go joy riding with our dicks in the driver seat. It had come as a bit of a shock to find out that they were into the "darker side of sex" as Mom put it. They had a Dom/sub relationship in the bedroom that filtered a little to everyday life but not enough to be overly blatant, but Dad was a sadist as well, and while Mom enjoyed a decent amount of pain, she and Dad had worked out an agreement. Mom would occasionally procure a willing young woman to come and be punished for an agreed amount of time and she would watch. With the exception of once, when Dad gave us a lesson in being a Dominant. They had insisted we not try anything with anyone until we were of legal consenting age but also had wanted to give us enough knowledge to not endanger ourselves or the other party.

"You must always be safe and practice safety. You must always be sane, both of you. Right minds, not befuddled with drink, drug, or having a mental health crisis. And above all, it must be consensual sex with someone of legal age. I know some states have separate consensual age laws but you will never go wrong if he or she is a minimum of 18 years old." Mom would constantly drill into our heads, and like I said, they were very open minded.

Dad's mantra was always along the lines of "Remember who has the power in the relationship. You may be stronger, you may have the control, but if you aren't listening to your partner, or ignoring what they need from you. Then you have nothing. You will be reduced to a bully or worse, an abuser."

The night we had turned 18, after listening and learning the ins and outs of the lifestyle for two whole years, Mom had arranged for a woman to come over and let Dad have his way, while we watched. She had told us that while she was incredibly open minded, this was a night for men to bond and she didn't mind being left out this time.

At this point you are probably cringing in your chair or love seat at the mere mention of a father and sons tag team event, but let me assure you that isn't what happened.

The woman was apparently on loan from a Dominant that my parents knew and had agreed to this training session. They verbalized everything they were doing, to include the reason or intent behind it. She showed us what a submissive would do and why, and Dad showed us what a Dominant would do and why. He stayed clothed and gave us a mental picture rather than an actual one, she on the other hand was comfortable enough to undress to give us a detailed picture. As birthday presents go, this one was pretty epic. Part two of our present was a week-long training and interacting retreat in Washington State during spring break.

That is where Ryan's and my personalities began to show through, he turned to the softer caregiver side of Domination and I, a less harsh version of my father.

Emily turned back to me and stuck her tongue out. "Uh oh" I looked at her in mock horror, "someone is going to get a punishment spanking tonight".

Her eyes got a little bigger and she turned back to Ryan who gave her a disapproving stare.

"You two just egg each other on, don't you?" Ryan asked us. We both shrugged in response, what else could we do? He was right.

"I can't this weekend anyway, I have to go down to Houston and prep for a case starting Monday morning."

"Bro I worry about you. All you seem to do anymore is work."

"What else is there to do?"

"Have fun? Relax, make friends? You know what? We need a vacation or at least a long weekend."

"Maybe after this case is over, we can hop out to the Bahamas" I suggest.

"That's what you said two months ago, and guess what? You have another case. You know we employ over 50 lawyers in 15 states. You don't have to represent every case that walks through the door."

That was true but I liked to handle some of the bigger cases personally to make sure that the people we represented got what they deserved. This particular case was going to be a long one. It was against a large oil and gas company who had been caught dumping waste illegally near enough to a school that the water supply had been tainted for who knows how long. We were representing the school board, who was in turn speaking for the parents of all the students whether they had been affected. The site and the school were actually in Arkansas, but since the corporate office was here in Texas, the information gathering, and interviews had been primarily here. I was hoping to keep the case in Arkansas, because no matter how carefully you screen a jury, harming kids on your own dirt will strike a chord in the coldest of hearts. The defense was pushing it hard to remain in Texas for "hardship" reasons. Not sure how a group of people who all made enough money to make Solomon blush could ask for a hardship ruling against a group who worked longer hours for a mere fraction of the pay. Corporate greed was terrible affliction on the rich. I was on it, but it was taking up a lot more of my time than I had originally planned.

I opened my mouth to protest, and Ryan held up a hand.

"You know what, forget it, there is no reasoning with you. I should just shanghai your ass one day."

I roll my eyes at him and continue to eat my dinner.

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