Chan- You're Doing Okay

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13 year old Y/n!

Y/n's Pov...

Today, Chan and I were heading to a family reunion.

It's the first one we've been invited to since our parents died, and they practically sorta forced us to go? They said if we didn't show up, they would pick us up.

We got to the house of our other aunt, aunt Kwang Nyun, and THE WHOLE family was there.

We went inside and everyone was eating.

Kwang Nyun: Y/n! Come here, sit by me!

I sat by her, hesitantly and Chan sat by me. They served us food and we all felt awkward.

When everyone finished dinner, our bitchy cousin Jin Nyun came in. She's 15 years old.

Kwang Nyun: We invited you guys here today because of a big, serious matter. My sweet baby, Jin Nyun, needs a heart transplant, and we were hoping Y/n here.

She put her arm around my shoulders, and I felt uncomfortable so I held Chan's hand.

Kwang Nyun: We were all hoping that Y/n would give Jin Nyun her heart.

Me: W-what?

Chan: No. My answer is no.

Kwang Nyun: Chan. I believe that this is her decision.

Chan: Is this the whole reason you reached out to us? Just to ask for our sister's heart?

Kwang Nyun: Y-yes, I'm going to be honest. We can't let Jin Nyun die.

Chan: But it would be okay if Y/n died? Why can't you just pay for a donor?

Kwang Nyun: Jin Nyun wants Y/n's heart, and we believe that Jin Nyun should get what she wants.

Chan: My answer is no. I know what's best for my sister.

Kwang Nyun: Y/n, sweetie. This is all your choice, okay? You can't let yourself be controlled by your brothers, and you don't want to let your cousin die, right?

Me: I-I....

Kyung Nyun: Give us your answer, Y/n.

Me: I-.... I'm sorry, but no. My brothers know what's best for me, and I don't want to be Jin Nyun's donor.

Chan grabbed my hand and we left the house, while Kwang Nyun was after us.

We got into the van, and I began to cry.

Chan: Aw, baby girl. Don't cry, baby, they're not worth it.

Me: T-they only wanted me for my heart, hyungie. I was scared she-she was going to force me.

Chan: It's okay, baby girl. You're doing great, love. Go ahead and let out all those emotions, baby. You're doing okay, everything will be fine. We'll cut contact with them, and you'll never see them again, okay? You're doing amazing, baby, stay calm. You want to go back home, and we can hang out with the rest of the brothers?

I nodded as I wiped my tears, and Chan kissed my forehead.

Chan: You'll be okay, baby girl. Everything will be okay..

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