Stray Kids- Family Glue

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10 year old Y/n!

Y/n's Pov..

Right now, we were all eating dinner. But then all of a sudden, Jeongin and Chan broke out into a fight.

Jeongin: You don't fucking control me, Chris.

Chan: Jeongin, not now.

Jeongin: Well I can't let it go when you're constantly on my ass about everything!

Chan: Jeongin, you're fucking sixteen years old. You can't just do whatever you fucking want because you're almost an adult.

Jeongin: Well at least let me be on my own a couple of times. I'm not a fucking kid anymore.

Chan: You're a kid unless you're a legal adult, Jeongin. End of discussion.

Jeongin: Fuck you! Maybe I should just not live here if it means you're going to leave me the fuck alone!

Jeongin got up from the table amd went to his room.

Chan: Good luck doing that on your fucking own!

Chan also went to his room and slammed the door.

Jisung: What the shit happened with them?

No fucking idea.

Minho: Look, Chan hyung is just looking out for us. Jeongin is exaggerating.

Seungmin: Yeah, well their fighting got me into a bad mood. Plus, I think Jeongin is right.

Minho: Seungmin, don't fucking start. Chan hyung is always like this.

Seungmin: And you're the exact same. Fuck off.

Seungmin and Minho began screaming at each other until they both went into their rooms.

Me: Is everything okay, Changbin hyung?

Changbin: I don't know. But I lost my appetite.

Changbin went to his room, slamming the door as well.

Jisung, Hyunjin, and Felix began bickering as well.

Jisung: Shut the fuck up, Hyunjin. Don't be such a fucking pushover.

Felix: I don't get it. Why the fuck are they even mad?

Jisung: Because the oldies are being so fucking controlling. I'm out.

Hyunjin: Well I am too. Fuck all of you.

Felix: I'm not putting up with your guys' shit.

They all left to their rooms which left me eating alone.

Me: What happened?

And it was like this for 3 months. Nobody would talk to each other.

They only yelled and fought when someone said something.

We never ate together anymore and everyone kept taking night shifts to avoid being home with the others.

Everyone ate on their own time now.

I didn't really know how to cook. I haven't eaten a proper meal in 3 months. Only snacks.

I got home from school, and nobody was home.

I started feeling sick, and dizzy.

Me: I miss them..

I ended up fainting..

Author's Pov..

Chan got home from work. He saw his youngest fainted and pale. He immediately called the hospital.

Once they got there. The doctors took her to the emergency room and asked the receptionist to call the others.

Jeongin: What the fuck did you do?

Felix: Jeongin, put your dick away, now is not the time!

Jeongin shut up as they all sat seperately for a half an hour.

Doctor: Family of Y/n?

They all stood up.

Doctor: She's very malnourished and it seems like she hasn't eaten a proper meal for more than a month. I need you all to make sure she eats a lot when she gets discharged and I need you guys to keep an eye on her. She's still in her growing stages and being well fed is important for her health. We moved her to room 119 and you all can go see her now.

The 8 brothers hustled to the room and entered. Their baby was pale and it looked she had lost a lot of weight.

Jeongin: This is all your fucking fault, Chris.

Chan: My fault? This is my fault?

Seungmin: You should've kept an eye on her instead of being up our asses.

Chan: Oh please give me a fucking break. If you guys weren't being irresponsible little shits-

Felix: Ok cut the shit! All of you put your dicks away, this is not the fucking time! Our sister is weak and malnourished and it's all our fault! All of us! We didn't care enough to look after her like we fucking promised! Quit being so pissy and make up! All of you because fighting is what brought us to this!

Minho: He's right. It's all of our fault.

Y/n: Ch-Channie hyung?

Y/n squirmed in her sleep a little as she started to wake up.

Chan: I'm right here, baby girl. We're all here.

Y/n: Please, hyungie. No more fighting. Please apologize.

Chan: Of course, baby.

Chan turned around and looked at everyone.

Chan: Guys. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being so controlling and stuck up. I'm really sorry.

Jeongin: I'm sorry too. I know you're just trying to look out for us. We love you, hyung.

They all hugged as Y/n smiled.

Y/n: No more fighting?

Changbin: No more fighting, baby.

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