Ghetsis in masters

47 3 7

So 2/3 of both Plasma and the Taos are now in the game.

And no love is being shown for Colress or Reshiram....
(Or the Triad or Zinzilion or that matter)

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Zekrom: Hey Reshi did you hear the news?

Reshi: What is it?

Zekrom: Kyurem's joining me in Pasio!!!

Zekrom and the Husk give each other a high five.

Reshi: So who's going to be it's partner?

Zekrom's expression turns angry.

Zekrom: .....Him.....

Reshi: *faceclaw* Oh dear lord Arceus.....

Reshi's randomness: the second oneWhere stories live. Discover now