Necromza's Human form

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One of the few husk legendaries still capable of doing so. Though he gets tired very easily and is a coffee addict just to keep himself going. He's also very weak and struggles to walk at times.

-Meanwhile somewhere in the Dranowa Region-

Necromza lays on a couch in it's human form in Galasklisk and Omuraapy's place. He's currently watching tv while a sleeping Galasklisk slaps him with his tail. Letting out a groan, he reaches for his "Shine Bright" coffee cup with a shaky arm, only to realize it's empty.



"Need something Necromza?"

"I thank you for letting me stay at your place to get away from those Recon Squad guys. There's no way your trapping me back in Megalo Tower you crazy spacemen. But do you have any more coffee?"

Omuraapy shakes her head no.

"Sorry Nec, you just drank the last bit earlier."

He sighs in annoyance and goes to stand. Necromza's legs nearly give way as he struggles to stand up, swatting Galasklisk's tail out of the way. Omuraapy catches him as he falls.

"Do you need me to get the wheelchair?"

He shakes his head "I've got it".

With a snap, he levitates off the ground. Omuraapy gives him space.

"You know the pokemart is right down the street?"

Necromza shrugs.

"I'm used to Dimension Hopping to do it...."

Opening up a Wormhole, Necromza enters.

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