DRV3 chapter 4

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Warning: Spoilers, also I'm not posting the execution so instead have a guy burning wasps with a homemade flamethrower.

Ever had those moments in video games where you just wanted to intervene a character's death?

Well mine was that one chapter in Danganrompa v3.

Two of my favorite characters in the same chapter. I'm usually fine with at least one dying but this was way too much for me.

Espically poor Gonta....

In my opinion the saddest execution in the entire series and one where I wish someone would've just intervened. Maybe shoot Monokuma because it's western themed, though I know he'll come back but I'm a legendary and I'll happily burn that Freddy Fuzbutt until they run out of replacements. Trust me, we don't tire easily, especially when I'm in a rage.

If you will excuse me

*fixes cowboy hat and loads flamethrower*

I'm going bear hunting thanks to some legendaries. I'm bringing the Husk in case I become incapacitated, Kyurem has been given orders to absorb the light stone if I am slain.

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