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It's after hours. All of the trains have been docked back at Anville and a few workers patrol the tunnels on nightshift. However there are two roaming the tunnels.

Reshi: Out of anything why did Kyurem decide to roam the subway tunnels? This place is a flipping electric sewer.

Kyurem sniffs the tracks when it spots a faint glow up ahead. Deciding to investigate, it takes off running with Reshi following close behind.


"This place is so creepy at night...." A newbie worker mumbled to himself. He'd been put on tunnel patrol by his higher ups.

"Travis I swear..." He cursed his boss under his breath "I will be reporting you to your superiors because of your little stunt..... bastard."

"I know you don't like me but I don't work in this department....."

He was interrupted mid-rant by large footsteps. Fumbling for his lantern, he turned it on, reaching for one of his flares just in case he needed to signal for backup.

"Who's there? The subway is closed!"

He noticed two large,  yellow, glowing eyes in the darkened tunnel coming straight for him. In a panic, the worker lit a flare and threw it, dashing off as he screamed at his radio.

"Backup backup! This is-" the rest is unintelligible.


Kyurem approaches the flare and sniffs it. Then deciding that it should pick it up.

Reshi's randomness: the second oneWhere stories live. Discover now