New student

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(This is what rose, aka y/c, looks like)

(This is what rose, aka y/c, looks like)

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~Rose's Pov~

I entered my new school with my older brother Tamaki thinking he would show me around, but the moment he saw Kyoya -the boy that had been his best friend since I was in grades school (elementary school)- he ran off, leaving me alone to fend for myself. After about 20 minutes of wandering around, I found the corporate office, where they gave me my schedule and a school map. I decided to mark my classes down on the map so I somewhat knew where I was going before going to music room three, the room that my brother had asked me to come to visit so he could get me "situated" -though he was doing quite the opposite-.

Soon enough, I reached the music room and opened the door -ready to beat my brother from leaving me- only to be greeted with a bunch of rose petals and a group of boys -two of which being Tamaki and Kyoya- that said "welcome to the host club" all in unison.
I looked at my brother, then Kyoya "what the hell?"

Kyoya let out a chuckle "it's just rose, Tamaki fill her in" the tall, dark-haired boy got up before straightening his glasses and going over to an area by the back of the room.

I went over to my brother, and he started explaining what was going on; it seemed interesting, so I decided to join -though I was still pretty confused by the end of it-.

"Perfect! We've needed a female host!" Tamaki exclaimed excitedly.

Kyoya sighed before speaking, "it's called a hostess Tamaki. Not a female host" this made me laugh a bit; my brother was always an airhead, and I found it quite funny.

Tamaki looked at Kyoya. "I KNEW THAT!" He crossed his arms like a child; sometimes I wonder how he was supposed to be older than me... well, at least I get to be in a club where I don't have to wear that horrid yellow uniform.

Once the club had started up -after Tamaki had given me a "type"- I sat with Kyoya since he was alone -unlike my brother, who was surrounded by a bunch of girls- not knowing what to do. He was working on something that looked like accounting of some sort, "what are you working on?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "I'm in charge of managing the club budget, and I have to edit it again because your brother decided to spend half of it on today's event."

I nodded a bit, sitting next to him "here, let me help."

He looked at me confused "help? You know how to do this?"

I nodded again. "I know I'm Tamaki's sister, so you'd think I'm an airhead like him, but I'm not; I'm pretty sure I'm the brains of this family considering father's incompetence."

Kyoya chuckled a bit, giving me his laptop "be my guest."

I smiled at him before starting to type away on the laptop, with Kyoya watching me contently.

A few days had passed, and I had become good friends with all the host club members. Music room three had become my newfound safe space where I could be myself and have fun with people who loved me.  That day an honor student came into the music room, and when I looked at them, I couldn't tell whether they were a girl or a boy. They were dressed like a boy but had the face of a young girl; I looked at Kyoya to see if he had the same thought, and his face told me he knew they were female but wanted the others to figure it out on their own. Her name?

Haruhi Fujioka...
A new friend, perhaps...

He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now