He's a host... remember...

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~Kyoya's Pov~

When I woke up, Rose wasn't with me. I remembered going to sleep with her in the room.

She must have gone home for the night...

My father came into my room, "Good morning Kyoya. I've got you a personal assistant; I remember you saying you needed one."

I looked at him. "Thank you, father. Are they here already?"

My father nodded "yes, she's in my office."

I nodded. "Thank you, father." My father left, and I got dressed for the day. But when I went into his office, all I saw was Rose standing there. "Rose?"

She turned around and looked at me. "Good morning Kyoya" she smiled at me.

My father came in behind me. "Rose dear, did I not tell you he was your boss now. You can't be addressing your boss by his first name."

I looked at my father "her boss? You made her my assistant?"

He nodded before looking at her. "Now try again, dear."

She nodded. "My apologies Mr. Ootori." she looked at me "good morning, master Kyoya."

I felt my face start to heat up when I heard her call me master "father, this isn't necessary; she's my friend..." I cleared my throat.

My father shook his head "well, son, she already signed the papers last night, so you have to tell her not to not me." with that, my father left.

I looked at Rose. "Don't you think this is a little unnecessary? I know you want to get on my family's good side but my assistant? Really?"

She laughed a bit "Senpai, your father wanted me to be your family's assistant to pay off my father's debt to him. I requested to be your assistant instead of the family. I don't want your brothers having free rain over me; I'm fine with you having that power over me because I trust you. Now we should get going to school."

I nodded "right, school."

Rose got up "your father wouldn't mind if I took one of the books from here, right? His books look so interesting!" she took one off the shelf.

"I don't think he will; I always take from here. Of course, I return them when I'm done. As long as you do that, it should be fine."

She nodded "perfect, let's get going!"

When we got to the school Tamaki immediately grabbed Rose, "Why did you agree to go in my place?! Father said I was going to go so he could protect you! Are you crazy?!"

Rose looked at me, and I quickly pulled Tamaki off of her.

She smiled at me, "thank you, senpai. Listen to Tamaki; I went to your place because I trust Kyoya-senpai. I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me."

This made me smile a bit.

She trusts me; I'm glad she does...

~Rose Pov~

A few days had passed, and I had been working for Kyoya. It was like we were close friends who helped each other; only I called him master while he called me by my name.

Today we had a club dance, I was helping Kyoya prepare like every other event, and once we were done, we started getting everything ready.

Everything was set up after about an hour, and I went to the back to get ready. While I was getting changed, the door opened, I looked at the door in the mirror to see who it was and saw Kyoya. "Senpai? I'm getting changed, if you don't mind, I-" before I could finish my sentence, he spun me around to face him then pressed me against one of the walls. I looked at him, "Kyoya..?"

He looked at me. "Rose. You will do as I say, correct?"

I blinked before nodding "yes, Master Kyoya, I'm meant to."

He smirked a bit "right answer."

Next thing I knew, he had pressed his lips against mine. I had never done anything like this before now; I had never had my first kiss or a first boyfriend. This was a new slide of Kyoya; it honestly scared me at first, making me freeze in place.

Once Kyoya realized I had tensed up completely after what he had done, he let me go. "I'm sorry... Was that too forward of me?"

I nodded slightly, swallowing, "yeah... you scared me..."

He gave me my dress. "I'm sorry, Tamaki was going on about how he thinks the girls loved it when he was as forward as he could be, and going off of that, I thought you'd be ok with it."

I took the dress from him before kissing his cheek "my brother is an airhead; not every girl is the same, and he doesn't realize that, but he knows not every girl wants the same thing. That's why there are so many types here in our club." I put the dress on before turning my back to Kyoya "could you zip that for me?"

He nodded and zipped the dress up for me "there you go. Do you want me to do your hair for you?"

I smiled at him in the mirror "sure, Kyoya. Do my hair however you want."

Kyoya started doing my hair, finishing after a while. "There you go."

I nodded "alright let's get going. wouldn't want Tamaki yelling at us for being late."

We went out, and Kyoya introduced the dance, then explained that one of the guests would be crowned queen of the dance receiving a kiss from Tamaki. Then the hosts went out and danced with the guests. I stood on the side watching Kyoya dance with all the girls that asked him to.

He's a host; he's not your boyfriend. He just wanted to try a tactic on you... It wasn't anything serious. Soon your guests will ask you to dance... It would help if you had fun tonight...

The night continued to pass, and no one had asked me to dance.

Had everyone forgotten about me? Oh well...

I looked out the window looking at the moon, "the moon is beautiful tonight..."

"Indeed it is," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Kyoya.

He smiled at me, "would you like to dance? You look lonely over here

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He smiled at me, "would you like to dance? You look lonely over here." He extended his hand to me.

I quickly took his hand, and we went off to the dance floor.

We danced for almost half an hour, but it felt like a few seconds. His dark eyes that I could lose myself in, his muscly arms that I wanted nothing more but to be in and his gentle smile that always welcomed me...

How I wanted to stay like this forever...
But I couldn't...
It's not like he's my boyfriend...

He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now