A phone call...

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~Rose's Pov~

I saw Kyoya was calling Tamaki's phone, but I answered since Tamaki and I had switched phones for today. "Hello, Kyoya-senpai."

There was silence for a few minutes before Kyoya responded, "Rose? Why do you have Tamaki's phone...?"

I paused for a second, "well, Tamaki and I switched phones for today... I hope that's not a problem."

Kyoya sighed on the other side of the phone, "no, it's alright... I just needed to talk to him about something important, that's all."

I nodded to myself, "if you want, you can tell me. I could help!"

He paused, "no, it's alright. It's a guy thing; you wouldn't be able to understand, let alone help."

I swallowed a bit, "alright then, I'm sorry I couldn't help you..."

He shook his head, "no, really, it's alright, you and I can talk for a bit if you'd like. To kill a bit of time."

I nodded, "yeah, sure! We could do that" I tapped on the FaceTime button on Tamaki's phone before putting the phone up on my dresser.

Soon after, Kyoya entered the FaceTime call, but all I could see was the top of his head.

I looked at him for a moment before asking him, "Kyoya-senpai? How come you're not showing your face?"

Kyoya chuckled a bit, "sorry, I don't have a shirt on at the moment, and I don't exactly want to get up and put one on."

I laughed a bit, "that's alright, but I still want to see your face."

Kyoya nodded before putting his phone up onto his headboard so I could see him fully, "better?" he gave me a light smile as I looked at him, seeing that he was indeed shirtless.

I nodded, "yes, much better." I smiled back at him, secretly screenshotting it before sending it to myself and deleting it off of Tamaki's phone.

We talked for a few hours until Tamaki got home, and we switched back. I laid on my bed before opening the picture of Kyoya on my phone and smiling to myself.

Kyoya Ootori...
What a handsome boy...

He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now