Upperclassmen's day...

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(For some background, upperclassmen's day is a day where everyone in a Japanese school that is not a first-year doesn't have classes of their own, so they either don't come to school or go to first-year classes to help teach. Usually, only students at the top of their class are allowed to help teach, so most don't try to do so unless they have that status. Without further ado, let's get started)

~Rose Pov~

"Upperclassmen's day is so unfair!" I heard a girl say while sitting down at my seat. I didn't care what day it was; the class was still in session, and I'd be studying either way because how else would I be a good CEO? Tamaki wasn't going to get father's company, and even if he did, he wouldn't want it. 

The teacher's late... What a pain... 

A few minutes passed, and I saw the teacher come in with a young boy behind him; at that moment, I couldn't tell who he was, but he was pretty tall. 

An upperclassman came here? That's a surprise...

The teacher stood at the podium, "good morning class, I apologize for being late. This young man is Kyoya Ootori, a second-year who will be teaching you all for upperclassmen's day, so behave." and with that, he got off the podium, and the young boy stepped up.

Kyoya Ootori...? Kyoya-senpai?! 

I immediately sat up and looked at him.

Kyoya was already looking at me, and when we made eye contact, he waved at me with a smile on his face. "Good morning, everyone. Some of you may know me from the host club as its vice president, and if not, nice to see you all." He turned around "now starting with your lesson..."

Kyoya was teaching, but I found myself not paying attention to anything he was saying, simply staring at him while daydreaming.

Why did he even choose this class of all classes to teach...? Gosh, rose focus!

I yelled at myself in my head when I heard my name. I looked up, "hmm?" 

Kyoya looked at me "rose, may I get an answer from you? You've been silent this whole time."

I quickly nodded and scanned the question on the board, "yes, sorry. The answer is... 43?"

Kyoya nodded "that is correct, thank you. Now moving on..."

I sighed slightly.

I got it right. It's fine. Now I have to focus...

Once the class had ended, I went up to Kyoya, who was wiping the board. "Kyoya?"

He looked at me "finally, not calling me senpai?"

I nodded slightly "sure... I was just wondering why you chose to teach our class instead of another; there are plenty of math classes here."

Kyoya chuckled a bit "if you must know, I wanted an excuse to come see you in your class."

I looked at him "you're such a tease! I'm going to lunch." I turned to leave before he grabbed me and pulled me back to him. 

"Do you not like it when I tease you?" He asked, looking at me.

"It's not that I don't like it... I don't know." I looked at his arm that was around my waist before moving away from him, "I'm sorry, I feel like Tamaki would yell at me if he found out about this... You're his best friend you should know that much..." with that I ran off going to the lunchroom.

Kyoya sighed. "I know he would... that's the problem..." He finished wiping the board before going to the teacher that was half asleep at his desk, "I'm finished, sir. I'll be going now."

The teacher nodded, "thank you, Kyoya. Come again."

Kyoya nodded, "I will try my best to. Thank you."

~Kyoya Pov~

I went to the back of the school building where the Sakura blossom trees were and sat down under one of them.

I remember the legend Tamaki told me about this tree... If you confess your feelings to the one you love under this tree on a Friday, they are sure to accept them... he said he was going to do that with Haruhi one day, and I should do that with someone special one day. Little does he know the one I love is his little sister. The one person he doesn't want me with...

I sighed, closing my eyes "nothing goes right for me now, does it...? First, I fall for him than his sister... What is this...?"

I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Tamaki "hey Kyoyaaaa! Where are you?! We're waiting for you at the club!"

I called Tamaki's phone. 

I have to tell someone... He's my best friend... he should understand... right...?

Tamaki answered my call after a few moments, "Kyoya? Hey, where are you?"

I waited for a moment before speaking, "Tamaki, are you in the club room with everyone?"

"Of course, I am! We're waiting for you." Tamaki said before laughing a bit.

I sighed. "Tamaki, listen to me. You're my best friend. We can tell each other anything, correct?"

Tamaki nodded to himself, "yeah, anything. Why? Is something wrong?"

I swallowed slightly, "listen. There is something I've been keeping to myself for a while now, and I'm going to tell you as long as you don't freak out. If you want me to tell you, leave the club room and go to an empty room. I don't want anyone else hearing this understood?"

Tamaki nodded before turning to everyone, "I'll be back. Get started without me." He went into one of the storage rooms and went back to his phone. "Ok, what is it?"

I took a deep breath. "Alright... here we go." I paused for a moment. "It's about you and rose... You were right, I fell for you back in our fifth year of middle school, but when we became first years here, and you introduced me to Rose, I ended up falling for her. I didn't realize it until she joined the club a while ago, and I know you don't want me being with her because she's so precious to you... I'm sorry. Don't be angry with me; I won't do anything if you don't want me to. I just had to get that off my chest..." I sighed and waited, but there was nothing but silents on the other end of the call. 


He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now