Mr. Ootori

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~Rose Pov~

Soon after Kyoya finished eating, he put his head in my lap. "I hope you don't mind if I lay here for a while?"

I shook my head. "I don't mind at all, Kyoya..." I started playing with his hair attempting to relax him. I knew he wanted me to call him by his first name, so I had decided to try doing just that. I was weird at first, and he noticed it immediately, but now that we were growing closer, it came naturally.

I looked at him wanting to tell him how I felt but not being able to find the words to. 

Hey Kyoya, No, not that.
You know Kyoya, Not that either.
Kyoya, I love you. No, too forward.
Hey Kyoya, I brought you food because I was worried about you; by the way, I love you! Ugh...

After finally finding a way to say it, I looked down at him again and saw he had fallen asleep.

I sighed. "Damn it, Kyoya... I love you, stupid..." I spoke in a hushed voice, knowing he wasn't even listening because he was asleep but still not wanting to wake him up.

After about half an hour there was a knock at the door then a man walked into the room. "Kyoya, you've been locked in here for days what-" he cut himself off when he saw me. 

I looked at him, then down at Kyoya, who was still fast asleep, then back at the man. "hello..."

The man looked at me, "You must be that Rose girl my son has been talking so much about. Are you his girlfriend or something?"

His son..? Oh lord, is this Kyoya's father?!

I shook my head, "no, sir. I was visiting since Kyoya hadn't been going to school. I thought he was sick, so I brought soup."

"That doesn't explain why he's asleep in your lap." Mr. Ootori looked at me, then Kyoya.

I nodded "yes... well, he ate the soup and just laid down. I thought it was no harm to let him lay on me, but he fell asleep. Not wanting to wake him up, I left him there, and now here we are."

Mr. Ootori nodded, "I see; well would you like to be his girlfriend. You're a girl. I doubt your father would give you his company until you were married or perhaps your older brother. I plan on giving Kyoya my company because he has more than shown me he is capable of running it. And you may not know this, but your dear father is in debt to me. We've agreed if he didn't pay off his debts to me, I would be taking one of his children from him. I should tell him I want you as our family's assistant. What do you say? You'll be living here, I will be paying for you to continue attending Ouran, and in return, you will have to do anything myself or my children ask of you."

I thought for a second.

Father is in debt to him..? Is that why he didn't want me picking Kyoya? Their family assistant..? How bad could that be..?

I nodded slightly, "sure... We could arrange that." I started fiddling with Kyoya's hair. "But I'd much rather be Kyoya's personal assistant instead of the family assistant, could that work, sir?"

Mr. Ootori nodded "sure. I could settle for that. I will inform your father. You will start tomorrow."

I nodded. "Understood, thank you, sir."

Mr. Ootori went to the door "you're welcome, dear." He left without another word.

Starting tomorrow...
Kyoya will be my boss...

He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now