father's rage

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(I left the last chapter on a cliffhanger, and now I'm doing a flashback. I can already see some of you all screaming at me for this, haha)

~Rose Pov~

Father was always nice to me, not so much as Tamaki, though. I always went along with Father's plans for me. Father wants me to go out and get something; you got it. Father wants me to go to a public school and make friends with dumb commoners; sure! Anything father wanted... But when I started attending Ouran, things changed. Father wanted me to get close with every boy I saw. I did that; I even joined Tamaki's host club and had all the boys who visited me falling for me one by one. Now, father wants me to pick a boy from my school to marry. Of course, I didn't know any of them personally other than the other hosts. My first instinct was to pick Kyoya, but father shot that down immediately, saying, "No, not the Ootori boy. I do not want his father being your father-in-law. Try again."

Hearing this, I snapped back at him, "What's wrong with Kyoya's father? And why not Kyoya? He's a lovely man, and I know he could protect me! That's what you want, isn't it? A man to protect me?"

My father sighed, "yes, that's exactly why I can't have you picking him. He is the third son of the Ootori group; there is no way he is going to be his father's successor."

I looked at my father. "Who cares if he won't be his father's successor? He's smart, capable, strong, handsome, good-willed. He could help me run the company here one day!"

My father shook his head. "I thought it might come down to this. I tried giving you a choice, but it looks like I'm going to have to pick for you after all." with that, father walked away. Leaving me there.

Going to have to pick for me..? So, I'm going to be marrying a man I've never met..? But why..? I don't understand...

Now seeing Kyoya cry in front of everyone while playing his duet with Tamaki made me think of the first time I ever heard him play. I knocked again "senpai..? I hear you in there..."

I hear Kyoya answer in a choked voice, "I'm fine... Leave me be..."

I sighed. "Kyoya, please come out of there; all I want to do is help you..."

"You can't help me with this! Leave me alone!" he didn't yell at me, but he differently raised his voice.

"Ok... I'm sorry..." I started tearing up a bit before leaving the area.

~Kyoya Pov~

I heard her walk away, then went straight to the door and opened it, regretting telling her to go, but I was too late. She was gone.

Damn it, Kyoya, you're such an idiot!

I shut the door again and sank to the floor with my back to it.

Why can't anything go right for me... They say love is blind, but it's just cruel to me... Damn it...

~Rose Pov~

Days passed, and Kyoya hadn't been coming to school; he didn't answer any of my calls or Tamaki's, so today, I decided to call Fuyumi (Kyoya's older sister). The phone rang a few times, then she answered, "Fuyumi Ootori speaking, who is this?"

I cleared my throat "hi Fuyumi, it's me, Rose. I was just wondering if Kyoya was ok? I haven't seen him at school, and he hasn't answered his phone. It was starting to worry me."

Fuyumi nodded "yes, he's alright, he's just a bit... what do you call it..." she paused "he's lovesick. He says he's in love with a girl that he knows he could win over but can't because she's already going to be getting married soon."

I paused for a minute.


"Well, is there a way I could come see him? I can bring soup, maybe talk to him?" I suggested to her.

"Sure, Rose, just call me when you get here so you can surprise him," she said, grinning to herself.

"Ok! I'll be there later!" I turned off my phone and quickly started making some soup along with Kyoya's favorite sweets. Well, I didn't know if they were his favorite, but they were the only sweets I ever saw him eat and not spit out since I knew he didn't like sweets. I couldn't tell if Kyoya enjoyed my baking, but he never complained about it, so I made my usual cupcakes smaller than usual. Once they were done, I decorated them to the best of my ability.
They had to be perfect...

Done! I hope he likes them...

I packaged the soup and the cupcakes before heading out of the house wearing one of my favorite dresses that father had bought me

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I packaged the soup and the cupcakes before heading out of the house wearing one of my favorite dresses that father had bought me.

When I got there, I messaged Fuyumi that I had arrived, and she soon opened the door for me

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When I got there, I messaged Fuyumi that I had arrived, and she soon opened the door for me. "he's in his room upstairs; he's going to tell you to go away if you knock, so just go in."

I nodded and went up to Kyoya's room and walked inside, "Kyoya?"

He was curled up in a ball on the bed with the blanket wrapped around him, staring blankly at the tv in front of him.

I set down the bowl before turning his tv off "senpai?"

When he heard me call him senpai, he looked at me. "What are you doing here? Go home."

I sighed. "I just got here; I'm not going home yet. I brought you soup and some cupcakes that I made myself because I was worried about you, and you're not even thanking me." I crossed my arms.

He looked at the bowl that I had put on the table, "you made me soup? And cupcakes?" He looked back at me before chuckling, "That's sweet of you. Come here."

I went over to him and moved the blanket off of his head. Seeing how red his eyes were made my heart sink.

Had he been crying..?

I instinctively hugged him, "are you sure you're ok?"

He hugged me back slowly. "I've just been a bit under the weather, that's all... No need to worry about me..."

I hugged him tighter "why didn't you answer my calls..? I missed you so much..."

He smiled a bit. "I'm sorry, I was trying to distance myself from you and Tamaki because of what I did in the classroom with you. I felt bad for making you uncomfortable..."

I looked up at him "you didn't make me uncomfortable; you never do. You always make me feel safe." I sat up before getting the soup and unwrapping it so he could eat.

I'd love to marry you... If only our fathers didn't clash so much...

Mr. Ootori...
I've never even met the man...
I wonder what he's like...

He loves me... he loves me not.. (kyoya ootori x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now