Alpha number 2

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Hyunjin: oh your up, sleep well?

Jisung slowly nodded. The two stood up keeping their eyes on the new alpha.

Hyunjin: This is my friend, Minho. He won't hurt you so don't worry, just come sit and eat.

Minho: ehem did you just call me your "friend"? I am your BEST friend mister

Hyunjin: yeah yeah whatever

There were only 2 seats available at the table, one next to Hyunjin and one next to Minho. Jisung didn't hesitate to take the seat next to hyunjin, not wanting to be near the other alpha.

Seungmin ,still uncomfortable, took the seat next to Minho. Shockingly to him the alphas scent wasn't bad. It was actually quite comforting which freaked him out.

Hyunjin: I hope you weren't cold last night, I gave you the thickest blanket I owned.

Jisung: it wasn't cold
They all started eating. Jisung's cheeks puffing up like a squirrel as he ate. As hyunjin glanced at the younger he felt his heart beat a bit faster at the sight. He couldn't help himself from poking the omegas squirrel cheeks.

Jisung jumped at the action, not expecting it.

Hyunjin: sorry, I couldn't resist, your cheeks looked so cute and pokable.

He gave a warm smile to the omega. After swallowing the food Jisung smiled at hyunjin. He felt comfortable around the alpha. This was the first alpha he felt comfortable around aside from his father.

His smile only made hyunjins heart beat faster. 'This omega is so cute' was the only thought that he had at the moment.

Everyone directed their attention over to Seungmin when he cleared his throat.

Seungmin: when can we leave

Hyunjin: Tomorrow morning, early in the morning when everyone around here should be sleeping.

Seungmin really hated the thought of spending the night again.

Jisung: minnie don't be so tense, I mean cmon we get a comfy bed plus free food. And it's safe. Another night won't hurt.
It was like Jisung could read his mind. He basically could after spending years with seungmin. He'd grown to know how the other omega worked.

Minho: I'm staying the night to make sure you don't fuck it up in the morning.

Hyunjin: wow you have so much faith in me. But fine, I actually will need your help. Just incase ... you know.

Minho: mhm.

Seungmin: just in case of what?
He was suspicious of the two since the moment they got there. Now there was something they purposely weren't saying out loud and he didn't like it.

Minho: Just incase someone is awake at that time.
He placed his hand on seungmins shoulder.

Minho: don't worry though. If there is we won't let them near you.
He gave a reassuring smile to comfort the younger.

Seungmin found it weird how it didn't bother him as much when Minho touched his shoulder. The omega wasn't fond of skipship with strangers but with Minho it wasn't that bad. Maybe the olders scent really was affecting him.

Hyunjin: after you guys finish eating we were thinking of having a movie marathon to pass the time quicker.

This got Jisung excited. He loved watching movies. He's probably watched every Disney movie in existence at least twice. He was basically jumping in his seat from excitement.

Jisung: yes! That's a great idea!

——————after they finished eating——————

All of them were now gathered in the living room. Minho and Seungmin sitting on the floor while hyunjin and Jisung shared the couch.

Hyunjin: so what kind of movies do you watch?

"Disney" both omegas replied at the same time. 'cute' the alphas thought when seeing the two younger giggling while looking at eachother.

Jisung: wait we need popcorn! you can't watch movies without popcorn.

Hyunjin: alright i'll make some.
with that said he got up going over to make some popcorn for his- the omega.

Jisung and Seungmin chose a movie. That movie being Mulan (animated not the live action). A few minutes later Hyunjin came back with popcorn for all of them. Jisung was really starting to like it here, maybe even more than home. Of course he missed all his plushies and his parents. But here felt safe.

Jisung played the movie.

A bit into the movie, Seungmin and Jisung were both singing along very loudly.

Seungmin/Jisung: We must be swift as the coursing river! With all the force of a great typhoon! With all the strength of a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the moon~

The Alphas were both impressed by their vocals, enjoying every time they started to sing.

Before they knew it it was already 11:43 at night. None of them were hungry due to their intense snacking throughout the movies.

Minho: okay we have to me up in about 6 hours so we should go to sleep

Seungmin: yeah
Seungmin had gotten much more comfortable, he was still quite iffy with Hyunjin but actually scooted closer to Minho throughout the day.

Seungmin: cmon ji lets-
The omega was about to tell his best friend to come with him to sleep but he was already fast asleep with his cheek resting on hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin was thankful it was still dark in the room, or else the others would see the blush that spread across his face.

Hyunjin: if you're okay with it you can sleep in Minho's room and I'll take Jisung to mine

Yes Minho had a room in hyunjin's house, he acted like he lived there so hyunjin decided to just give him a room.

Seungmin: No.
Seungmin was not about to be separated from Jisung as far as he knew they could have planned to get them separated.

Minho: Seung-

Seungmin: I said no.

Hyunjin saw the younger getting worked up from this so he settled the situation.

Hyunjin: ok ok, how about we all sleep in here? That way Jisung doesn't wake up and you won't have to stay with Minho. Sound good?

Seungmin: no. We are staying in the room.
Seungmin stood up and shook Jisung awake.

Jisung: hmmm minnie what?

Seungmin: we're going to bed

Jisung: okay
The half asleep omega stood up and stumbled to hyunjin's room with Seungmin. Hyunjin was kind of disappointed and honestly so was Minho.

Hyunjin: okay then...

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