You work here?

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"No Changbin, I'm not going just to be a third wheel"

"Chan you aren't gonna be a third wheel"

"Bullshit I always am"

"Noooo this time there's gonna be more people there... including Jeongin"

Chan paused halfway through organizing one of their many cd cases. "Jeongin is gonna be there?"

"Yep, and a few other of Felix's friends. Jisung and Seungmin"

Now it was hyunjin's turn to pause. "Wait did you say Jisung and Seungmin?"

"Yeah do you know them?"

"Yeah he knows them. That Seungmin is a pain in the ass" Minho rolled his eyes thinking of the final conversation he had with Seungmin. "Major brat"

"Minho didn't I tell you not to be rude?"

"I don't know what Seungmin you met Minho cuz the one I met through Felix is pretty nice, just a bit cold to anyone besides Jisung"

"Mm maybe it's not them then"

"Do you mind if I tag along? If it is them I'd like to see Jisung again" a slight blush appearing remember the last moments he had with the omega.

"Ohhh is this the omega you were blabbing about earlier?" Chan asked while Changbin just smirked already planning a set up in his head for the two.


"Well you two can definitely come, I'll just text lix. I'm pretty sure wooyoung and San are gonna be there too"

"I didn't ask to come but I guess I will" Minho went back to organizing a different stack of CD's while hyunjin sat at the counter waiting for customers to check out or ask questions.

—after work—

The 4 headed over to Felix's cafe right after they closed up. Using the spare key Felix gave Changbin he unlocked the backdoor and headed up to the apartment ontop of the cafe with the others.

Changbin knocked on the doorway of the livingroom "hey lixie"

"Binnie!" The younger beta jumping on his boyfriend. Catching him Changbin hugged him. "I missed you love" Changbin pecked the cats nose.

"I missed you too binnie"

"Okay we get it you're a couple let's move on." Minho barged in plopping himself on the couch. Both Jisung and Seungmin were shocked to see him there. Jisung's jaw dropping when hyunjin came in right after him.

"Hyunjin?" Turning his head to Jisung he smiled. "Hey Sungie, didn't know you worked here at the cafe"

"Yeah, I've worked here for a while"

"I'll have to stop by for coffee sometime then" Jisung blushed slightly.

"Yeah you should"

"Seriously?! All these years I've owned the cafe! And you finally decide to come get coffee here?! After one comment?!" Felix has been trying to get hyunjin to ditch his usual coffee shop for years and come to the cafe. Hyunjin just shrugged.

"You couldn't persuade me before" he sat next to Minho. Chan coming in next, Jeongin instantly starring at the older nearly drooling over him actually.

"Hello innie" Chan smiled going over and ruffling the others hair.

"H-hi hyung"

Hyunjin glanced back over and realized Jisung was still wearing his hoodie. His heart fluttering as he saw the omega slightly curl into it. Sniffing the neck line every once in a while.

It wasn't long til everyone was chatting enjoying themselves. Everyone except Seungmin, he was overwhelmed being in the presence of not one but three alphas. After so long he couldn't take it anymore. "I'm gonna go get a hot chocolate from downstairs." Quickly Seungmin left hearing a few okays in the background.

Jisung could tell something was off, but he knew better then to try and figure it out when the other was upset. Instead he mentally prepared himself to leave soon since Seungmin would probably want to go.

Minho also noticed how quiet Seungmin had been, trailing behind him downstairs he found the omega resting his head on the counter.

It was only a few minutes later when Jisung got a text from Seungmin asking if they could go home. Of course he agreed.

"I have to go sorry guys"

"You sure Ji? If you wait a bit longer I can drive you home" it was dangerous to walk alone at night wherever you went and Felix didn't want the omega to get hurt.

"I'll be fine-"

"Don't worry Felix, I'll walk him home" hyunjin stood up and walked over to Jisung.

"Let's go yeah?" Jisung nodding. Quietly Jisung spoke once they started down the stairs, "you don't have to walk me home if you don't want to hyunjin"

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want to Sungie" Jisung blushed hearing the nickname. Once they got downstairs they saw Seungmin leaning against Minho. He had tear stains on his cheeks which instantly made Jisung worried.

"Minnie? Are you okay what happened?" He rushed to his best friends side holding the youngers hands gently.

"Nothing... just got a bit overwhelmed.." Jisung nodded. "Thank you for looking after him Minho, we'll get going now" Jisung walked out hand in hand with Seungmin.

"I'm gonna make sure they get home safe" Hyunjin followed behind the two keeping some distance. Once they reached home Jisung sent Seungmin inside to freshen up.

"Thank you for walking us home"

"Anytime, can't have anything bad happening to you" Jisung smiled.

"Do you maybe... wanna hang out sometime? Just us"

"Are you asking me on a date Sungie?" The younger blushed hiding his face slightly.

"Y-yeah I am"

Gently hyunjin lifted Jisung's chin to make eye contact. "I would love to go on a date" After a moment of comfortable silence the two found themselves leaning in closer. Slowly closing their eyes.

"Jisung! Eomma wants you to come in! It's too late to stay out!" Seungmin yelled from the doorway.

So once again they both pulled away before their lips could touch, both of the chuckling a bit at the timing.

"Goodnight Sungie"

"Goodnight Jinnie" Doing the same thing as last time Jisung tippy toes and pecked the olders cheek. Rushing inside immediately afterwards. Both boys went to sleep extremely happy that night.

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