The beginning?

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"Why?" Seungmin was beyond suspicious at how randomly Minho decided he wanted to talk.

"Just do."

Normally Seungmin never would have gone but he knew his aunt and uncle would be here to pick them up at any second. "Fine." Standing up he looked back at Jisung. "Stay here, and call if anything happens" Jisung nodded and watched Seungmin walk out with Minho.

"What is it."

"Why are you so aggressive all the time. You didn't need to growl at me earlier."

"And you didn't need to growl back so I guess we're even."

"That's not how it works"

"I don't like you or your friend. I just wanna get out of here so I don't need to be friendly to you."

"You're already going to leave so why don't you drop the big bad wolf act for a second."

Seungmin looked at his slightly shocked, how did he already know they were leaving?

Hyunjin had seen the two go to a separate room. Now was his chance, taking a deep breath he went to the room.

"Jisung?" He saw the younger sitting on his bed.


"Can i talk to you for a moment?" He slowly made his way over to the bed sitting down near him.

"Um... sure" Jisung found it strange Hyunjin and Minho had both wanted to talk to them at the same time, but he ignored it.

"So you're leaving in a few?"

"H-how did you know?"

"The walls are really thin, and your mom was really loud"

"She was just worried.."

"I know... um" Hyunjin really didn't plan out what he was going to say properly and now he was struggling. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable while staying here, I wasn't trying too..."

Jisung felt his heart flutter at how considerate Hyunjin was being. "It's okay hyunjin" he gently placed his hand on the olders. "I wasn't uncomfortable, minnie just has bad experience with alphas that's why he's been fighting to leave so much"

Hyunjin was relieved instantly. "Ah.. that's a relief"

Jisung pulled his hand away. "Um.. this might be a weird question but... how did you know one of us were close to our heat?"

"Oh, my eomma always taught me a lot about omegas. It was just her and I so she raised me to be a lot more knowledgeable then others were raised. I could tell from the pile that was made. A nest right?"

"Yeah... sorry for using your clothes without asking.."

"Oh, it's okay I don't mind" Hyunjin now knowing it was Jisung going into heat soon was happy he used his clothes. He found pride in the fact the omega wanted to add his scent to his nest, knowing how picky omegas can be while nesting.

"... do you think if it was just you here, you would've stayed longer?" Jisung pondered the thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I think I would've. If that was okay of course!" Jisung always wanted to be polite and inviting himself to stay definitely wasn't the most polite thing to do.

"Yeah it definitely would be okay. Honestly I don't really want you to leave quite yet... I still wanna learn more about you"

"About me?" Jisung blushed. He wasn't used to having attention from anyone outside of his parents and Seungmin.

"Mhm, I um... I like you Jisung" hyunjin knew it was probably too soon seeing as they barely met but he really liked the younger. From his cute fluffy blonde hair, to his doe eyes, his gummy smile with his pink lips and tiny waist, his smooth thighs and the way his feet tended to turn in when he sat down.

"R-really?... i think I like you too hyunjin" now both of them were blushing.



"Can i kiss you?" Hyunjin leaned slightly closer as he waited for the others answer. Jisung nodded quickly after comprehending what was asked.

Slowly hyunjin placed his hand on Jisung's cheek, brushing the youngers bangs out of his face with his free hand, and finally leaning in to kiss the youngers lips.

*bang bang bang*

The loud pounding on the front door startled the two, pulling away right before their lips touched. Hyunjin mentally cursing the timing of the interruption. "I think that's my parents..."

"Yeah, you have to go back home now huh?"

"Mhm... can I get your number?" Hyunjin perking up instantly knowing he wouldn't lose the omega. "Of course" taking Jisung's phone he quickly typed in his number saving the contact. Another round of banging on the door once again interrupted them.

"I have to go now.. thank you hyunjin for everything" Quickly leaning towards hyunjin he left a quick peck on his cheek before standing up and leaving to the front door, looking down to cover up the blush that covered his cheeks. Hyunjin stayed in the room for a moment due to shock. His hand touched his cheek where the omega kissed him. A small smile along with blush clearly showed. Following out behind the younger he saw Minho open the door with a grumpy Seungmin off to the side.

Minho however instantly jumped away from the door when a loud growl came from a clearly older and clearly stronger alpha. The alpha came in with a female omega trailing behind him.

"Ah Jisung!" The woman ran to him holding him tight. Not even a second later pulling Seungmin in close as well.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She frantically checked them both for injuries only settling down when she saw they were both okay.

"Eomma I'm okay, we're okay"

"You two had me so worried!" She hugged them both again. The eldest Alpha stayed near the omegas with a stone cold glare towards the other alphas. Both stayed in their place remaining calm.

"How did you both even get here?" She asked looking around. It was a decent house but it was quite messy.

"Our phones died and we got lost on the way to the arcade.. if it wasn't for hyunjin something bad probably would've happened to us" The female turned to look at the alpha her son was looking at. Slightly bowing her head to him she spoke, "thank you hyunjin. We'll be leaving now, I apologize for intruding in to your home like this."

He bowed back to her, "no worried ma'am"

The mother omega guided them out of the house safely into the car with Jisung's dad following behind. Finally the omegas we're going home.

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