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Just wanna make this clear this book is based off of today's time and mid evil times. That's why there's classmen and kings bur also TVS and today's time thing


I snored and snores them I finally opened my eyes just to be in a pool of drool. I sat up and wiped my mouth. I yawned and stretched all the way up to the sky.

I looked around to see Dream getting ready for the execution. "Hello baby" I spoke. No responds. "We're are you going?" I spoke once more. Still no response.

"Hellllllooooo!?" I spoke louder. He then grabbed his bag and looked at him. "You gonna say hello back!?" I yelled. He then rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Asshole.." I spoke out. I grunted and got our order bed, I grabbed a pair of Dreams black sweatpants and pulled them up and over my legs and hips. I tied up the waist band tight so they wouldn't fall, I put on a blow crop top with a red rectangle in the middle that was surrounded but a white line, it had the letters GNF on the shirt in the middle of the rectangle while the pants had the letters DNF on the right leg.

I yawned and stretched. I then walked out of the room only to face Dream talking to elly. Elly was basically pleading and begging for the exsacution to be called off and that he could do anything with her.

The tall dirty blonde man agreed..

I felt my heart sank, even after she spread lies about me raping the king Dream still mercyed her, if I had that choice I would've killed her right then and there:

Elly wrapped her small skinny arms around Dreams waist and cried into his chest saying thank you over and over again. The king kissed the top of her head and hugged.

I cleared my throat hoping Dream would stop to look at me, but he ignored me and kept holding onto the small crying girl. "Hello!?" I yelled. The man ignored once more.

I finally went over to him and tapped on his shoulder. I then was greeted by a smack in the face and him hitting my shoulder walking past me with the girl still in his arms.

I rubbed my red cheeks and looked at the wall in disbelief. What had happened to make him so mad..? I asked myself.. I kept asking myself that same question trying to figure out what happened.

I then remembered that when I sleep I tend to kick people a lot and take up a lot of room. I chuckled "that's why he's mad.. fucking piss baby.." I scoffed walking out of the matallic blue double doors.

I smelt the fresh air and skipped down the red carpeted stairs. I then skipped all the way to my home at street. Since Dream had turned soft and I begged him to give more privileges to the poor and lower class men.

The houses had upgraded to wooden and brick houses, more food stands were everywhere, lower class men could now buy horses. And they could get more higher class men jobs.

I skipped over to the food stand were Sapnap had worked only to see that he was gone. I looked around the food stand but no where he was. He always was at that food stand. He had loved that food stand.

I looked around for about 30 minutes until I finally got to the point were I started to worry about him. I looked in his house, but he wasn't there, looked in other peoples houses, he wasn't there.

I huffed and finally looked in some ally ways  and that's were I found him..

My eyes shot open as I saw Sapnap holding this tall boys chin up kissing his lips softy as the boy cupped his face, his nails were painted dark blue and dark purple and his hair was a light brown. It was wavy. He had light grey sweatpants on and a dark purple button up shirt.

I then saw another Boy, but this boy was small. He was holding onto sapnaps had as his kisses sapnaps neck. He was wearing a dark blue beanie with a black hoodie and navy blue pants.

"SAPNAP!?" I yelled. He gasped and looked over at me. The two boys he was with chuckled and giggled as they looked over at him.

"I.. uh.. um.." he stuttered.

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