chapter 8

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POV no one: It was the night before the 2 week home check,
(ew wtf that sounds rly cliche ahha)
Maya and Carina were freaking out. They had just put Blakely to bed and now they were doing a deep clean of the whole house. The social worker was coming at 12 so they put Blakely to bed a little earlier so they could get ready in the morning. Little did they know that the girl wasn't actually asleep. In her room, Blakely sat at her desk, just the lamp was on so no one figured out she was up. Blakely knew tomorrow was the home check and that also means that if Maya and Carina wanted, they could send Blakely back. It was 10:00 and she had just finished writing in the journal that Carina had gotten her. Before she went back to bed she slid the journal under the door with the current page facing up.

one hour later

The couple made their way up the stairs to check on Blakely before they went to bed. Before they entered her room they realized her journal was face up with a note on it.
(the note)
Dear Maya and Carina, i'm sad because i've been in foster almost all my life and i've been in many homes throughout my life as well. Most of them haven't been that good but there were some good ones. Whenever I was at one of the good homes and the home check came I would always ask the family if I could stay, and they always said no. You guys have been so kind to me the past 2 weeks and I enjoy being around you. I really wish I can stay but if you say no I understand. I care for both of you so deeply and whatever decision you make I will always wish you the best in life and that you are both happy.

Seeing the note broke their hearts. The fact that the previous families always said no was so sad, both Maya and Carina were planning on keeping Blakely unless she wanted to leave. By the sounds of it, she didn't wanna go either. They wiped their tears and checked on Blakely then went back to their room.
"Should we talk to her in the morning about this?" Maya asked.
"Yes we should. We need to let her know that we love her and we want her here." Carina responded.
"Ok. Goodnight Carina."
"Goodnight bella I love you."

the next morning

POV Maya: I'm freaking out right now. Today is the home check, before we fostered Blakely, her social worker said we had met all the requirements for the home check but what will she think now?
"Carina, can you pass me 2 double A batteries?" I asked from the ladder I was currently standing on.
"Maya, we replaced the batteries after we had breakfast. We don't need to do it again." she told me.
"But what if-"
She cut me off, "But nothing Maya. Everything is fine. We replaced the batteries, we cleaned up, the liquor cabinet has 2 locks on it, there's no hazardous things. We are all good."
I get that Carina was trying to calm me down but I couldn't help but worry. I really don't want Blakely to be taken away from us because god knows who her next foster parents would be.
"Bella, take a deep breath, everything is gonna be alright." Carina told me.
I followed along with her breathing and calmed myself down. I hope the check goes good.

POV Blakely: When I woke up this morning I realized it was the home check, this is also the day where they give the foster parents a chance to send the kid back. I was really worried that Maya and Carina were gonna send me back to the orphanage, I haven't done anything bad (at least that I know of) but if they sent me back I would be really really sad. I ate my breakfast quickly and I could tell that they read my letter but i'm not sure if I wanted to know what they were gonna say. After eating I rushed back upstairs and pulled out my trash bag just incase they gave me back. I didn't pack anything yet but I wanted to have my bag out if I needed to. Next thing that I hear is Maya and Carina welcoming my social worker into the house. I came downstairs because they usually want the child there for the home check.
"Hello Blakely! How are you?" my social worker, Miss Rosie said.
"Hi Miss Rosie, i'm doing ok, how are you?" I asked her.
"Ah i'm doing good." she said
She then made her way around the house, checking everything, asking Carina and Maya questions and writing things down on her checklist. 15 minutes later Miss Rosie spoke up and said "Ok, can I talk to the both of you in private please?" the girls nodded and I went to my room.

POV Maya: When Blakely's social worker asked to speak to us in private I got really worried, did she see something hazardous or wrong?
"So the house looks good! You have met the requirements, locked up liquor, smoke alarms are good, running water and food, and your able to support yourselves." Once she told us this I let out a sigh of relief.
"But," she continued, "It is routine for me to ask you some questions. During the 2 week home check we are supposed to ask the foster parents if they want to continue to foster the current child they have. There is no pressure and no one will be upset if you say no. We just ask that you are honest as we always want the child with people who love them."
I was frozen. I looked at Carina and saw the same shocked reaction as well. Luckily Carina stepped in and said "Of course we understand that these are routine questions but both Maya and I would love to keep fostering Blakely. She's such a sweet little girl and we love having her around. Of course, if she wanted to leave, we would understand that and would respect her decision." Thank god Carina said the right thing because if I answered it would be a big word jumble and I would probably get angry.
"That's great! I'm so happy that Blakely has found 2 loving foster parents! Now if it's ok i'm gonna talk to Blakely." Once she finished we told her that Blakely's room was upstairs and the second door on the right.

POV Blakely: I was in my room alone for about 10 minutes until I heard a knock. "Who is it?" I asked.
"It's Rosie." the voice responded. I opened the door and let her in. We both sat down on my bed and stayed silent for a few moments.
"So how have the past 2 weeks been?" she just got straight to it.
"Umm it's been good. I really like them." I said honestly.
"Ok that's good, can you tell me what you've done while you have been here?" she questioned.
"Yea, in the mornings one of them usually does my hair. They're really gentle with it and they respect my boundaries. They pack me a lunch and give me a good breakfast and dinner and I am allowed to have snacks as well. Sometimes I make dinner or bake with Carina, and she even got me an apron that look like hers and it has my name on it!" It was different because when I was at the bad foster homes I wasn't able to tell the truth but here, I could be truthful with everyone.
"That sounds super fun Blakely, i'm glad your liking it! Do you want to stay here?"
This was the first time this question truly made me think. Before I was able to answer right away but today I didn't know. Of course I wanna stay but what happens if they drink or get mad? The next home check would be in 2 months so I wasn't sure. I took a deep breath and said, "Yes I would like to stay. But only if they want me to stay as well, if they don't then I will pack my stuff and leave because I don't wanna pressure them into doing something that they don't want."
Miss Rosie looked at me and smiled, "Well Miss Blakely, your a very lucky girl because they said they want to continue to foster you as well!"
When she said this it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest. We quickly finished up our conversation and headed back down. Maya scheduled the next home check and then Rosie left.

hey everyone i hope you enjoyed the chapter! plz comment with ideas, feedback or anything rly! hope everyone has a great day/night! :)

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