Malevolence Part One

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Roxanne's POV

Rumors spread of a terrible new Separatist weapon. Master Plo Koon was sent to investigate. I worry for him, as every other ship that has crossed it's path. There have been no surviors. Right now I am in a meeting with Obi-wan, Master Windu and Master Yoda, along with the Chancellor. Anakin and Ahsoka have not arrived yet.

"This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems and disappeared without a trace" Windu states.

"We cannot afford to lose any more ships, my friends" the Chancellor states. Just then a holograph appears of Ahsoka and Anakin as they join the meeting. "Ah, Master Skywalker. Have you had any success in finding General Grievous' secret weapon?" he asks.

"Master Plo was here in the Abregado system when we lost contact" Anakin states as a holograph appears of the system. "We've had no further contact with General Plo Koon. The absence of distress beacons indicates that his fleet was..." Anakin pauses. "That his fleet was destroyed like the others" he finishes. "We are about to prepare a rescue mission" he states.

"Hasn't Clone Intelligence reported this weapon never leaves any survivors?" the Chancellor asks. I bite my lip looking at Ahsoka. We can't just leave Master Plo Koon out there.

"The Separatists are being unusually tidy. They don't want any witnesses" Obi-wan states.

"Tragic are these losses, but prevent more we must" Master Yoda tells us.

"All our battle groups will be reassigned to guard our supply convoys, including yours, Skywalker" Master Windu states. "I'm afraid we can't risk any more ships with a rescue mission" he adds.

"Wait! Just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time" Ahsoka states.

"I agree, if anyone can survive Master Plo could" I add.

"Boldly spoken for ones so young" the chancellor says.

"They are friends and one of them is learning from Anakin" Obiwan states.

"Excuse my Padawan. We will deploy as you have instructed, Master" Anakin says and the transmission ends. I curse and go to leave.

"Roxanne!" Obi-wan says firmly.

"I know I spoke out of turn Master, but I can't let Master Plo die. It's because of him I meet Ahsoka. We can't let him die" I tell him as I try not to cry.

"I understand he is important to you. But you must remember jedi protocol and your place my young padawan" he tells me.

"No you don't Master Kenobi. Master Plo Koon was the one who brought Ahsoka and I to the temple in the first place. He was our first master before we reached the temple. Ahsoka is not going to leave him out there to die and neither can I" I tell him.

"I won't have you risk your life Roxanne" he tells me. "Commander Cody, escort Roxanne to her room" he states. He takes me light saber and I glare at him. "You'll thank me in future" he tells me and I'm lead to my room. Where I'm locked in. Great, locked in again. Just like I was at home on Mandalore. I left Mandalore to have more freedoom.

(Time skip)

I don't know how long I've been here. But one of the troopers brought me food, but I didn't touch it. Meditating trying feel Master Plo Koon's energy. I can tell he is alive, but for how long? Master Kenobi enters the room.

"I thought you'd like to know. Anakin and Ahsoka went to the Abregado system to search for survivors" he tells me.

"Good I pray they find Master Plo Koon in time. I sense life forces dying there as we speak. But Master Plo Koon is alive, I can feel it" I tell him.

"You are really skilled my padawan" he says. "I'm going to report to the council now. You may come as long as you remember your place" he tells me. I nod my head. He hands me back my light saber and we go the communications room. Where Master Windu's and Yoda's holographs are already waiting for us. Along with the chancellor.

"We must find a way to destroy this mystery weapon" Master Windu states.

"In this war, a step ahead of us Dooku always seems" Master Yoda adds.

"Tell me, has there been any word from Master Plo Koon or his fleet?" the chancellor asks.

"No. We must fear the worst" Master Windu tells us.

"Actually, I just received word that Anakin has found the remains of Master Plo's fleet and is searching the debris for survivors" Obi-wan tells them.

"On whose authority has he done this?" the chancellor asks.

"His own, I' afraid" Obi-wan answers.

"With his fleet out of position, we are left vulnerable" Windu states.

"Oh, his fleet is right where it should be. He's taken only a small ship and his Padawan" Obi-wan tells them.

"Twice the trouble they have become. A reckless decision Skywalker has made" Yoda states.

"Let us hope it is not a costly one" the chancellor states. The meeting ends. Obi-wan and I go to the bridge. I greet Q5 with a pat on the head, he whires happily.

(Time skip)

We get a message from Anakin and Ahsoka. Master Plo is safe along with three of his troopers. Also the mystery weapon is an ion cannon. Both Anakin and Ahsoka got slaps on the wrists for disobeying orders. But now we have to plan a way to destroy the Malevolence and it's ion cannon.


Picture above of Master Plo Koon and picture on the external link of the Malevolence. Dedicated to @SaraHenion for helping me come up with my new OC Roxanne Kryze.

May the Fourth be With You!

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