Chapter 3

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List of Friends I have had

A̷m̷b̷a̷r̷ ̷C̷a̷m̷r̷o̷n̷ (Became friends in kindergarten but chose me over someone else)

 ̷A̷l̷e̷x̷a̷ ̷S̷i̷m̷m̷s̷̷ (After I changed schools she forgot about me)

A̷l̷i̷s̷o̷n̷ ̷K̷a̷r̷l̷ ̷̷(After I changed schools she forgot about me)

K̷a̷d̷y̷ ̷S̷w̷a̷n̷ ̷̷(After I changed schools she forgot about me)

A̷l̷i̷c̷e̷ ̷J̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷(After I changed schools she forgot about me)

Zoey Halls (Still in contact and remembers me)

Amy Michel (Lost contact)

Harley Valentine (Lost contact)

Sydney Smith (Sometimes in contact)

Haley Verner (Lost contact)

 ̷J̷e̷n̷n̷y̷ ̷M̷a̷r̷s̷h̷a̷l̷ ̷(Ignores my exsistence)

S̷i̷e̷r̷r̷a̷ ̷R̷e̷e̷d̷̷̷(Ignores my exsistence)

N̷o̷r̷a̷h̷ ̷N̷o̷r̷m̷a̷n̷ ̷(Ignores my exsistence)

̷T̷a̷r̷a̷ ̷I̷d̷e̷n̷(Fake Friend)

̷A̷r̷i̷e̷l̷ ̷J̷o̷n̷e̷s̷ (Fake Friend)

Sage Abdon (Lost contact)

I wrote this down to remind myself to never make the same mistakes. Never let anyone in. Never trust anyone. Because it will only lead you to despair. 

I don't know what am writing at this point. Am just putting together something cause I feel like writing but I just lose motivation and I just wanna complete another story. 

Thanks for reading. 

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