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I'm still riding high when I return to my desk after my little dispute with Aiden Memphis, he really knows how to get under my skin. Martin eyes me coming off the elevator and trains behind me.

"Did you get in trouble?" He asks with nothing but concern in his tone.

"No, I stood up for us, he shouldn't talk to us like that." I shrug making quick work with my computer.

"He didn't say anything about me did he?" He asks after a while.

"No." I say busying myself with my awarded story.

"Ok, thanks Junie." He breathes and walks back to his desk.

I just finish up my story revision and I'm ready to send off when I notice and new unopen email. From Aiden apologizing for being an idiot.

I reply, forgiving him and declining his offers, besides the cookies, - I surprising liked the cookies. No matter how bad he may treat me, how intrusive his questions are everybody still deserves to be forgiven, life is short.

I pack up my things, switch into my shoes and say goodbye to the remaining staff in the office.

I make a few stops along the way home, to pick up a few things for the week and once I get home I shower, put on my comfortable clothes and throw on a drama show to play in the background while I get busy on a complicated dinner to keep my mind busy.

Once I've eaten, cleaned my mess and got my things together for tomorrow I hop into bed at 11pm I scan through my phone mindlessly and put it on charge.

I'm laying in a field - a sunflower field by the loos of the sun making everything around me a golden yellow.

"You look happy" A deep voice says on the side of me.

Chris is sitting next to me one knee bent and the other laid in front of him. He looks down at me with a small smile.

"Slowly getting there. I miss you. I feel alone." I say casting my gaze to the bright blue sky. Its calm today, there's no wind, just straight sun.

"Move on then. Be happy." He says. I look at him to study his face, he's looking up, not meeting my gaze. "Beautiful day." He sighs and smiles. He finally meets my eyes, and I sit up, he smiles and his eyes hold nothing but love. "Be with him, make yourself happy, Junie. I want you to be happy." I know exactly the "him" he's talking about, because regardless of how I should feel, I have feelings for him.

I put my hand on top of his. "I can't." I finally say, looking down ashamed. "I'm a mess without you."

"Junie, I want you to be happy, what's all I ever wanted." He says picking my chin up. "Smile your award winning smile, mingle, buy a dog. Be the Junie I loved and knew." He says tucking a strand of hair.

"Ok, Chris." I say. "I love you. I'll always love you." I smile into his hand.

"I'll always love you, Junie."

I wake up with a a jolt, and everything of that dream comes floating back, Chris, the field, the warmth of the fun, him telling me to just be happy with whomever and to get a dog. I laugh and then I jump of the sound of my alarm.

I get dressed, in a fitted long sleeve red dress, a pair of tan stockings and I throw on a wool trench coat this time, if it's cold. I pack my bag, placing my shoes, lunch and then my water bottle. I lock up and begin down my drive. I look just as I get to the end and notice the monster Jeep sitting in my driveway and leaning against the side stands Aiden Memphis.

"Good morning." he calls. Turning and grabbing the sliver dish sitting on the hood.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Bringing you the cookies I promised, although I didn't do much of the baking, Marshall here did." He points to the back window where Marshall sits playing with a device.

He walks up to me and hands me the dish of cookies. "And you couldn't just give them to me at work?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

He smirks, "Well, I knew you walked to work, I wanted to see if you wanted a ride, I got to drop off the kid, but that's like five minutes out of the way." My stomach dances with butterflies.

I eye the beast in front of me, and I shake my head. "No, I can't" I stutter nervously but regain myself "I mean, it would probably be weird to arrive to work together. Plus I enjoy walking, I could drive myself, but.."

I watch him look around for my car. I answer his unspoken thought. "It's in the garage, I don't drive all that often." I admit. "But I better put these away and start, I don't want to be late and get in trouble for the second day in a row from my pig headed boss." I give him a wide smile.

He smirks, "Sounds like a real pig head." He says.

"The biggest." I say turning on my heel and walking back to the house.

"See you there, Junie." He says still standing there. I give a small smile and wave and push inside.

I hear the engine roar in the driveway and I stay inside until I know he's well gone, but also to control my beating heart. Maybe this is what Chris was wanting me to know in that dream - flirt, be happy and live my life. I smile and make my way back down the drive.

"Good morning." I guard says once I walk through the door, I guess he was just tired yesterday.

"Morning" I smile an honest smile.

Chris was in my dream, I saw him, the sun is shining I have homemade cookies at home, this morning is good.

"Good morning Junie." Martin says following in step with me. "I stopped and grabbed you a coffee, I didn't know what you take so I got you the same as yesterday." He says handing me the cup, this morning just keeps getting better.

"Thank you, Martin. I should've gotten you a coffee, not you getting me." I say smiling.

We're standing in the middle of the middle of the path, I move over to the side a bit to let people through. I can see Hailey standing looking over the wall at us. I give a small smile and wave.

"You can spot me tomorrow, I really don't mind." He smiles.

"Ok, its a deal." I turn around and head over to my desk.

"Ok, what was the about?" Hailey squeals quietly over her divider.

"What was what about?" I ask honestly.

"Uh, Martin is totally into you, and you seem to be into him." She says her eyes bulging as if she's saying something that's clearly obvious.

"I was being polite, Hailey. I'm not into Martin, I just helped him with work yesterday morning and I guess he feels the need to owe me." I shrug and switch on my computer after putting my dress shoes on.

"Sure." She says skeptically. She takes one last look at me and returns to her square.

I roll my eyes and look through the daily notes, and get bidding on stories for the week. What if Chris meant Martin and not Aiden? Which one is better for me? Aiden already has a child and I can't risk the child's life with my messed up past.

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