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I'm sweating, panting and shaking by the time I get to my seat on the fourth floor. I probably look like a mess, my lipstick probably smeared, my hair probably a nest. But I don't care, I have much more pressing matters. Aiden saw my problem, Aiden will soon realize that something is going on and I'll have to tell him, and with how close him and I got I can't let him in with fear that Damon or my sister will do something to ruin it out of jealousy.

I've been up all night online searching for Damon's release forms, and why he'd gotten out so soon, did he escape? Did he get released on probation? I printed everything out and I want to challenge the courts, with every penny left in my bank I want to send the prick back to prison, before we meet and I know that that's why they're coming here - and it doesn't matter what my family say, or no matter how flaky my sister is, when it comes down to Damon wanting something she'll do it.

"Hey, Junie, you feeling ok?" Martin asks, holding some papers.

I nod a little too fast. "Yeah, just having a rough morning." I say with a hoarse, dry voice. I need some water.

He studies my face a little too long and then moves to the rest of my body. "Do you want me to grab some coffee at lunch?" He asks too nicely.

I smile. "Sure, Martin, thank you."

"My pleasure. Stories are posted, get on it before everybody else arrives." He says with a wink and leaves.

My email pings and I feel my stomach sink. I know who its from without even looking at the email.

Ms. Hansley,

I have your probably - cold - by - now coffee, why don't you come and grab it in my office once you bid on your stories.

See you in five,

Aiden Memphis, CEO, Memphis Outskirts.

Of course he'd want to see me, I don't know what I was thinking, after what he saw he's probably concerned for him, his son's and his business's safety. I don't bother responding, he knows I'll head up.

"Martin." I say behind him.

He jumps a little and turns to face me. "Junie, pleasant surprise, did you bid on the stories?"

"I did. Mr. Memphis sent me an email saying to go to his office, so I'm going to head up there, if I don't return - think the worst and make sure my lunch gets eaten." I smile with a splash of dry humor.

He laughs. "Will do. Good luck." His hand reaches out and brushes mine. I pull away and make my way to the elevator.

"Hello." Aiden's PA says once I've been let off the elevator

"Hi, I got an email from Memphis to meet him?" I say.

"I'll let him know you're here, what's your name?" She asks uninterested.

"Juniper." I tell her.

"Hi sir, I have Juniper here." She hangs up on him. "First door on the left, go on." She says pointing to the left hallway.

I knock once and wait for the command.

"Juniper, Hi." He says faking a smile.

"Hello." I tell him still standing at the door.

"Have a seat." He straightens his tie.

"I thought you called me up to just grab my coffee?" I ask, slowly walking over to the chair.

He smiles, again, very sarcastically. "I'd like to talk."

"Ok? About what?" I say playing dumb, but my hands shake, I pin the hard between my bum and the chair so he can't notice how effected I am.

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