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I only said yes to going so I wouldn't be alone with my thoughts and with my panic, so that I'd have someone to keep me company. We hop in Rick's car that's already waiting at the center of the driveway. Aiden holds my door open and I scooch all the way to the end and he hops in next to me, and smiles. "I'm glad you're coming with, Marsh is going to have to sit in the middle though, unless you want me to." He says with such a flirt.

I giggle. "I don't mind." I shrug and I watch my hands as the car begins forward.

We make it to a full stop and I peek out the window to a private looking school, I see Marshall bounding down the big staircase in the front of the doors. The door slams which makes me jump but Aiden is outside waiting for Marshall, Marshall has a big smile on his face, and runs full force into Aiden with arms wide. They disappear around the front and then the door swings wide open, almost coming off the hinges. I cringe.

"It's you!" Marshall exclaims loudly, clearly excited which makes me smile.

"And it's you!" I force the same amount of amusement.

He slides in beside me and bounces his knee with anticipation.

"My mom is coming today! We're going swimming in a hotel!" He tells me with a big smile again, actually I don't think the smile has left his face.

"So, I hear." I tell him returning his smile. "You're excited?" I ask, to which he nods a million nods per second.

Aiden comes in next to Marshall and smiles at me. "Got to get a move on, mom will be there if we don't hurry." Aiden says to nobody in particular.

My stomach drops, it totally slipped my mind that I would run into her if I come with them. I put my head down and watch my hands as the car pulls away from the school.

"Dad?" Marshall says after a beat of silence.

"Yes, bud?" Aiden says not looking up from his phone.

"Why is Junie riding with us today?" He asks in a whisper as if I can't hear him.

Aiden chuckles and I smile an awkward smile. Man, this is so awkward.

"Junie, is staying in the spare room for a week or two, because of some..." He says trailing off thinking of an excuse.

I bud in with a well thought excuse. "Some renovations, going on. Your dad here thought it would be safer staying with you guys than being there with all the dust, smoke and noise." I say with a small smile. "Is that ok?" I ask.

"Really?" He looks at his dad to confirm, I can't tell what he's feeling or thinking because he turned his head at last second to watch his dad.

"Yes." Aiden says with a smile.

"YAY!" Marshall says shimming his arms around me. "I can't wait to show you my room, and my games! Maybe you can play them with me!" He says so excited. Then he drops his arms and looks at his dad, "well after I get back from being with my mom, will you still be here?" He says whipping his head back to face me.

I shrug and look at Aiden. "Maybe. But, have fun with your mom!" I say trying to make him excited again.

We pull back into Aiden's driveway. "Oh, here we go." I hear Aiden mumble and I look at him looking out his window, I finally see what he sees, my eyes widen at the sight of a brand new Porsche a caramel color, and leaning on the side is a very beautiful woman, with her honey hair in a long pony tail, she looks up and tucks her phone in her purse. Aiden meets my eyes, I must look like a deer in the headlights. "I'm sorry." He mouths. I shake my head.

"Hello, Brittany." Aiden says stepping out. And Marshall runs out a chucks himself at his mom.

"Oh baby, how I've missed you!" She says, even her voice is beautiful.

I get out on my side, and I quietly try to sneak inside. "Mom, you got to meet dad's girlfriend!" I pinch my eyes close and slowly turn on my heel.

I hear Aiden clear his throat trying to cover up a laugh. I meet Brittany's sour face. "Brittany, Juniper, Juniper, Brittany." Aiden says gesturing toward us, but he doesn't correct Marshall's assumption.

"Nice to meet you, Brittany." I say offering my hand.

She ignores it, like I knew she would and she looks at Aiden. "When did this happen?" She asks, her tone pure venom.

"It happened abruptly." Aiden says shrugging bored with the conversation, he moves toward the house, Brittany following hot on his tail, ignoring me.

I sigh and feel Marshall grab my hand. "Don't worry, she doesn't like anybody." He whispers.

I smile down at him as he drags me inside with him. When we make it inside Aiden and Brittany are no where to be seen, I don't even hear their voices. "They're in the office, they always fight there." Marshall says answering my unspoken thoughts.

"Aah." I say unsure of what to say. He lets go of my hand and makes his way to the kitchen.

"Want some juice?" He asks, standing on his tippy toes to reach his cup.

"No thank you. Do you need some help?" Noticing him shaking holding the orange juice carton.

"Yes, please!" He says grunting. I quickly grab it from him and fill his glass and put the carton back inside the fridge.

Aiden and Brittany still don't appear, and Marshall and I are just sitting silently.

"Want to show me your room? And maybe we can get started on packing for your mom's?" I ask.

He jumps off the stool and runs to grab my hand. I already know where his room is, but I still let him show me. As soon as we reach his room my phone comes to life with a private number, and my stomach sinks, I know I should answer it, but I can't, at least not when Marshall is in front of me. So, my voicemail pings with another voice message.

"Who was that?" I hear Marshall ask, watching me from the center of his room.

I smile and tuck my phone into my pocket. "No body. Better get packin!" I say.

He throws a few outfits into his suitcase, he asks me what he should bring, if he should bring some books or toys, I answer as realistic as I could.

"Oh, Junie, there you are!" I hear Aiden say, I look to see him clutch his chest.

I clear my throat and jump off the bed, just as Brittany appears with a glare. "I was just giving Marshall a hand with packing." I say, moving away from the bed and I maneuver around both Aiden and Brittany at the speed of light, very eager to get far away from the tension. I make it to the safety of my own room and lock the door. I get a text message.

Unknown : sorry about this.

Aiden found my number, or saved my number and is texting me like we're not in the same house. Brittany must have a leash on him.

Me : all good, i'm going to get caught up on finishing my story for work.

I save his name into my phone.

Aiden : ok, i'll swing by shortly.

I throw my phone on top of my bed and just as it hits the private number flashes on the screen. With shaking hands I press the answer button.

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