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I've been in this damn boxy hospital bed for seven weeks, waiting for my leg to heal. Aiden and Dad have been taking turns babysitting, which gets annoying, but I won't lie, I love it. I've had Kendra and Mike fly in just to visit me, they were in awe of Aiden and his stories, plus him rescuing me, Debby tagged along with them and visited me and dad, and as well was invested in Aiden, my minute of fame and attention was short lived, but I loved watching him talk, smile and laugh. Marshall brought me some cookies, which was probably the best gift I've received here, he asked me all sorts of questions, which Aiden got super embarrassed about for me.. just what dads do, I guess. Brittany stayed in the hall, she was of course welcomed to come in, but she declined.
Martin came in to visit with Hailey and Landon, they heard about the freak accident which has been published exactly twelve hours after I spoke with the police. They were shocked, and Hailey called dibs for journaling about it at work, I laughed.

On Monday I started slowly walked with assistive devices which was saddening to see how much mobility I've lost, and I cried almost all day about it on Tuesday, but everyday I've been walking five minutes more and slowly getting better and stronger. Friday I'm walking with a walker, and then trying to walk holding just the wall, it was scary, but freeing to see the progress.
And Aiden hasn't left my side since.

"So hey?" Aiden calls, I'm sitting up in bed watching Cook Masters' and Aiden is typing away on his laptop.

"Hmmm?" I ask, focusing on the show.

"When you were in the comma did you hear us talking to you?" He asks, I look up at him, he's still looking at his computer.

"I mean, if I focused in. I could hear the police at the scene and the buzzing in the hospital, but it was all confusing and exhausting." I tell him. "Why?"

"Just curious." He says, ending the conversation there. It's weird how comfortable Aiden and I have gotten since being stuck in the hospital, we don't always talk, but the passion and love is there.

"Uh, fuck sakes!" I yell at the Tv, when my favorite chef messes up in front of the judges.

Aiden shoots up. "What!? What?" He asks, running to the bed.

I stare up at him in confusion. "Lenny is going to get booted." I sigh, and then smile up at his scared expression.

"Fuck off, Junie, you scared me, do that shit when you're out of the hospital." He mumbles angrily and marches back to his spot. I just giggle.


"I guess Doctor Alexander cleared you into going home later today!" Melinda my regular nurse tells me.

"I've only asked a million and one times." I say sarcastically.

She laughs. "He'll be by later with some papers, and to go over after care and all that fun lecture stuff."

"Sounds good, thanks Melinda." I smile and wave.

Unfortunately Aiden had to leave and take care of some things around the office today and my dad actually flew home last night, so I'm alone for the first time in two months, and it feels weird, I used to be used to staying home alone and doing things by myself, but now I feel empty and kind of bored.

I take out my phone and dial Aiden.

"Junie, what's going on?" He answers on the first ring like always.

"Guess what?" I say, trying to mask my excitement.

"Mmm, don't tell me." He says pausing for dramatic effect. "You have an animals blood in you and your slowly turning into a cow." He offers.

I laugh loudly - it's a freeing sound - a sound that doesn't hold me prisoner anymore. "No, dummy. I'm being discharged today." I smile widely, the excitement coming out.

Aiden doesn't disappoint with his own excitement. "No fucking way. That's such good news, it's the news I needed for today." He says, I can hear his smile through the phone.

"Do you think you'll be here for Alexander's lecture in a few hours?" I ask, thinking he may want to be here.

"I should be, give me an hour to sort through this shit and I'll be there."

"Ok, see you, drive safe."

"Will do, see you soon." And he clicks off.

Aiden enters the room as I'm busy limping away around the room trying to pack things up. "What are you doing!" He shouts, anxiety coloring his tone.

"What?" I ask, looking around confused.

"Why are you packing up, why didn't you wait for me?"

"Aiden, I've got to do start doing things on my own again, I'll be home in about two hours, so I might as well start now." I tell him resuming to packing. He grabs my hips and spins my softly around to face him.

"What makes you think you're going home?" He asks, serious, passion in his eyes.

"Alexander is discharging me..." I say confused again.

"Not what I mean." He tells me with a smirk, his mind games confusing me.

"Spit it out Aiden." I say bored.

He's being dramatic which makes my stomach bead with nerves, he twists a lock of hair behind my ear and runs his thumb over my lip. His lips part and then the bomb drops full force. "Move in with me." He whispers, huskily, making my whole body tremble.

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