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I don't dare speak first, the other end is silent, so silent I think someone isn't there, but soon enough there's a rustling.

"You actually answered." Tam says on the end, she sounds rough, raspy and like she's high.

"I did." I say, trying to sound as even and unbothered while also managing to talk as quietly.

"When you gettin home, sis." She says, slurring.

"I won't be home, Tam. Tell me where you're staying I'll come there." I say keeping my voice quiet so Aiden doesn't hear.

"Oh, your staying with your rich, stinking rich boyfriend. That's your type isn't it?" She says her tone getting nasty.

"I'm staying away from my home, tell me what you want, I'll meet you." I say again.

There's another long pause, I don't hear anything, she's probably muted herself.

"Gertrude." She finally says.

"Where?" I ask.

Again silence. I'm thinking Damon is on the end of this. "Two blocks North on Gertrude, park your car in the alley and we'll meet you. Come alone, and don't fucking tell mega rich dick." She says, gaining a laugh from what sounds like Damon.

"Ok." I say softly, closing my eyes.

"Come for 11pm."


I put my phone away and I slowly back away from it like it's poison, I have no clue what they could want, but I'm hoping to god, or to Chris or whomever that I don't die, and I know that's not a ridiculous thing to pray because they are dangerous.


A light knock sounds a few hours later, it's now dark outside, I haven't heard anyone else in the house until now. I'm in my cotton pajama shorts and tank top set. I quickly pad across the room and unlock the door, seeing a very drained looking Aiden. He saunters in without an invite with a box of pizza.

"I brought us pizza." He smiles, and crawls into my bed and props himself up with a pillow. I stare at him confused. "What? Are you going to join me?" He asks.

"What are you doing in here?" I whisper, still glued to the ground.

"Having dinner with you." He says as if it's obvious.

He shrugs and digs into the box, tossing a big bite into his mouth. I stand there for a moment and watch him, he leans across to grab a remote sitting on top of one of the nightstands The bright tv lights up. "Please come sit down, Junie." He finally says defeated.

I give in and go and sit beside him. I watch the tv, not daring to look at him, cause at the moment the room is heavy with tension... sexual tension.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Aiden asks, his voice husky, like he's noticed the change.

"I'm not hungry." I say honestly, my stomach in knots of fear and knots of desire.

"You need to eat, Junie." Aiden says getting his dad voice out. I smile.

"I'm not your son, Memphis. Now hurry up and pick something." I order.

To that he chuckles, my favorite laugh.

Finally Aiden picks a movie, and it plays, I cuddle up to him, willingly, he's so warm it was hard to resist. I watch him for half the movie, the way his eyes light up when the joke plays and he smiles, like nothing else matters. I smile too, because at this exact moment nothing does matter.

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