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I don't know why I'm being so friendly to him, I don't know why I offered him to come into my house, my safety shield, but I did, and I'm kind of freaking out. I hope we don't do anything I'll regret while high on the fact that I told somebody other than my family of my issue... well one of my many.

I unlock my door and step inside, flipping on the outside light and a few of the entry way lights. "Welcome to my humble abode." I say spinning dramatically in the entry, then I throw down my bag and take off my coat and shoes. It's weird, I feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders, I'm super giddy to have Aiden in my home.

"Its cute." He says taking in the bare walls, and lack of furniture.

"Don't judge, I've only been living here for a few weeks." I say defensively. He holds his hands up mockingly and pulls out his phone.

"Just going to tell Rick where to grab me." He says.

"Would you like some wine or water? Or some cookies?" I ask jokingly.

"Sure." He says busy typing on his phone.

I laugh and make my way to the kitchen, I take out two normal glasses a pour us both a red wine, and dish out some store bought cookies, he doesn't need to know I already ate his and his son's cookies. Smiling to myself my phone starting ringing loudly at the end of the counter. I check to see if there's caller ID, and it says private.

"Your phone, Junie." Aiden says from behind me.

I grab it quickly and turn it off, shaking a little bit. "It's nobody." I say in a rush and hand Aiden his wine, but it splashes over the rim and hits his tan coat. My eyes widen and I feel my face getting hot. "Aiden! I'm so sorry!" I shout.

He looks down, he looks mad, like he may fire me in my own home but then he laughs, a loud, thunderous laugh. "Ahh, my favorite coat, bought for me from my grandmother who passed last month, Juniper!" He says raising his voice as he says my name.

"Aiden, I am so sorry, I can buy a new one, I know it won't be sentimental but... but..." I stammer, looking for a rag to dab up some of the pigment. He laughs again.

"Junie, Junie, its ok. I'm joking, I bought it on sale at Ross, its cheap, and I'm in the market for a new one anyway, perfect reason to spend on a newer one." He shrugs, laughing again.

"Wait, so your grandma didn't buy you that?" I ask.

"Nope, my grandma and I don't even talk, like I said bought it two years ago on sale at Ross." He says taking a sip of his now half empty glass of wine. "Mmm, this is good." He says into the glass taking another gulp.

"You jerk." I say swatting him on the shoulder, only to feel the sting in my hand from his hardness.

"So, what was that phone call about?" He asks, looking into my eyes again searching for whatever lie or truth I may give him.

I turn away and start unpacking my lunch containers. "Nothing." I mutter.

"Didn't look like nothing. I knew you knew who it was, your whole body trembled like you were scared, is everything okay?" He asks coming behind me. I move to the side and wipe my face clear of any emotion he may detect.

"I didn't know who it was." I say, half truth, half lie. I have an idea of who it could be it could be Tamara or it could be someone entirely else.

"Liar." He says. "I thought we were getting to know each other." He steps an inch closer to me, our feet touching and lightening bolts zipping through me.

I gulp and try to focus but his big gray eyes are staring right through me. Defeated I say. "I think it was my sister. And we aren't getting personal, I'm just your employee telling one of her many sob stories." I say moving away from him.

He looks at me confused, "Why would you react that way to a call from your sister?" He says trying to piece whatever information he can in his head.

I'm about to tell him off but his phone rings.

"Memphis." He answers putting on his rough, grizzly, CEO voice. "Be right out." He says pressing the end button.

"Rick?" I ask.

He nods. Finishing off the last of his wine and stealing a cookie. "Mine and Marshall's are better." He says flicking the cookie in my direction. I smile a little, and walk him to the door.

"Thanks for walking with me." I say softly leaning against the frame of the door.

"Thanks for the wine, cookies and company, haven't had that in a long time." He smiles, then suddenly he twists a lock of hair behind my ear, just like he did before, he looks at my lips, and for a second I think he wants to kiss me. Every thought leaving my head, just the heart beat in my ears beating loudly. But then he moves his hand away, furrows his eyebrows together and takes a step back.

I clear my throat. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Memphis." I say colder than I wanted. If he didn't step away from me, I would've kissed him and I'm bloody ashamed of myself.

He nods and grabs his bag and opens the door, letting the cold take over my heated body.

After he's gone I close and lock the door and sigh, now I have to deal with my monsters waiting. I pick up my phone and turn it back on, I clean the dishes while I wait for it to power on. And I check my voice mail.

"Junie, its me, your little sister. Dad gave me your number, he said you moved? Anyway call me back, I want to talk to you, it's been awhile. Damon and I got back together and we're thinking of taking a road trip to clear our heads, through Portland and Oregon, dad said he thought you were living around there, that'd be cool if we all met up. Damon said he misses seeing you around, and I do too, call me 333-456-7788, bye."

My phone drops from my hand. Damon and her are back. Damon is back. Damon and her are going to be sweeping through Portland. I go cold and I quickly call my dad.

"Hello?" He says sleepily.

"Damon is back?" I ask in a rush of nerves.

"Apparently." He says with a yawn.

"There going to be coming to Portland?" I say in a rush of emotion.

"I wouldn't expect them to, nothing they plan works out, don't fret, Junie just block that number and ignore it, you have enough on your plate." He says.

I sigh. "Ok." I say defeated. "I'm just worried I'll have a run in, that's all, sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, darling. Everything else ok? How"s the job and the people and the house?" He lists off the questions.

"Good, good and good. I'll let you go though dad, I have to be up early tomorrow and I'm tired."

"Okay baby cakes. Chat soon, keep me posted everyday and send me photos." He orders.

"Of course." I say picking at my nails, a habit I knew Chris always hated.

"Bye for now." He says clicking off.

I finish up cleaning and head upstairs to get ready for the night. I'm in the shower when I hear my phone come alive on the vanity beside the shower. I look past the shower curtain at the same Private Number name on the screen. "Ugh, why does this happen to me?" I say to myself letting the hot water run over my face.

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