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I jump into the passenger seat with Rick, earning a confused stare. We're on our way to see Junie, because she's getting discharged today which is the best news all month.

"I'm going to ask her to move in." It's true the question has been on the tip of my tongue the past few weeks, since she's started walking and there's was talk about leaving, I would love for her to move in, but I don't know exactly what she'll say or think.

"Is she being discharged?" Rick asks, fiddling with the heat controls. The weather in Portland has went from brisk to shivering cold.

"Today." I smile wide. "Is that the right thing to ask? Is it too evasive?"

"The doctor will probably suggest her moving in with someone that will be there to help her out. When Irene was sick that's one of the main rules if she wanted to go home was to be sure someone was there to help or hire someone." He tells me, "I think it's a good start, it might take a while for her to agree, but she will, you both have grown so close, one night alone and she won't want to do it again."

"That's what I'm worried about, I don't want her to have a night alone, she has nightmares as it is, and I promised to take care of her."

Rick lets out a heavy sigh. "My boy, you don't owe anyone anything, she is a grown adult and has been through this once before, if she wants a night alone or two or three it's her choice, gotta let her be, just be there for her, help her when she needs and keep asking her if he refuses you the first time." He chuckles. "That's what I did with Irene, she finally said yes after I asked her for the 100th time."

I chuckle. "Thanks, Rick, I needed that." Even though the pep talk did help, it still doesn't calm the nerves in my stomach.

I walk into the room to see her limping around on her good leg. With all the nerves, anxiety, twisting in my stomach I pop the question.

"Move in with me."

She stares at me, not speaking, but her chest rising and falling in fast movements.

"W-what?" She stutters nervously, stepping back and looking at me as if to see if I'm joking or not.

I smile. "Move in with me, Junie." I say, more like an order rather than a question. "So we can be together, everyday, wake up with you, see you smile, I've dreamed of this, Junie."

She's silent again, just looking me with wide eyes, like I just told her I killed her cat. "Earth to Junie?" I say waving my hand in front of her.

"What does Marshall think about this?" She asks, composing herself and starting to pack again.

I've talked a little about this subject with Marshall while switching night shifts with Jim, and he was pretty normal about it, he said it would be fun. "He's ten, Junie, he doesn't pay the bills." I tell her. "But since you asked, he said it would be fun...whatever that means." I smirk.

"Fun?" She repeats.

"Ya, don't ask me." I shrug. "So?"

She doesn't speak, she still fiddles with the end of her shirt she's packing, I walk up to her and snatch her hands gaining her eyes. "I- I don't know." She says, her brown eyes boring into me.

I feel my stomach sink. "What don't you know?" I say calmly.

She clears her throat. "It's not that I don't want to, I do, but I wanted to take things slow, since Marshall's in the picture, and." She doesn't continue, she cuts herself off, her eyes going back to the ground.

"And what?" I say.

I expect something along the lines of wanting to just be friends, or work partners but she surprises me with what comes out. "Knowing what I know now about why Damon did what he did and purposefully killing Chris, I'm scared to lose anymore people I love." She doesn't loo up at me, instead she looks at our intertwined hands.

"Junie look at me." I order calmly, running my thumb over the tops of her hands. "I'm only going to say this once again, Damon is locked away for what's going to be a very long time, no one else is going to hurt you." I say, reminding her. "And, I haven't felt the way that I feel about you with anyone else, the crushing pain of not having you near, knowing I won't see your face when I go to bed or when I wake up in the morning, having been with you for this time in the hospital has not only been painful but it's also been an eyeopener for what I want in my life - for what I need in my life."

She doesn't take her eyes off me when they fill with moisture, she smiles softly. "Sounds a lot like you're falling in love, Memphis." She lets out a breathless laugh.

"I am, Junie. I'm falling in love with you, and have been since I've seen you in that hardware store." I tell her honestly.

She sniffs. But remains silent, and my heart hammers in my chest. I know I've given too much of myself up right now, she could very easily hurt me, and I would let her, because I love her and I need her to be happy.

"Yes." She whispers softly without meeting my eyes, I'm about to question her when she finishes. "Yes, I'll move in with you."

I feel my mouth drop, and my world come to a halt, only her and I in a small hospital room. "No way." I say, pushing the suit case out of the way and wrapping my arms around her small waist.

"I love you, Aiden Memphis." She says softly into my ear. I smile even though no one but me knows it.

"I promise you, Juniper, I will make you so happy every single day." I promise peeling her away so I can look into her eyes, then I find her lips with mine, savoring everything about them and her.

"You're all I need." She says in a rush between kisses.

And to believe it was this easy, to have her in my arms, kissing me alive and happy and to have said yes to wake up with me everyday, my life has only begun with this little lady in front of me.

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