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Of course, of fucking course Rick has to call at the worst possible time. But, unfortunately I had to break the most incredible kiss to answer it, it could be important.

"They're staying at 624 Gertrude, if you Google map that its an old building that is abandoned but its been turned into a shelter for homeless users." Rick tells me. "They came by train, it's cheaper, and they have been already staying at the shelter for a week now, seven days, Larry thinks that within that week they've obtained more information on Juniper, like where she's working, where she's shops and works out. Larry says they are dangerous, Damon is out on parole, because the jail ran out of room, as of Tamara she is considered an accomplice to Damon but she hasn't been sentenced for anything bad, just theft, and verbal threats." Rick lists.

"So, Juniper is probably not safe?" I ask running my hand through my hair.

"I wouldn't say so, they may armed, they shelter doesn't check for weapons which is why a lot of troubles go there." He informs me. "They will probably have information on you if not already because they saw you with her."

"So, I should up my security, and make sure Marshall is covered." I say more to myself but to Rick too.

"I would advise so. I would up security for home, work and school." He tells me.

"Ok." I say.

"May I also advise you get some lawyers for Juniper asap.

"I've already got Lindsay on it, I should receive their call this evening."

"Great." He tells me.

I looking through the window that over looks my front yard, in a daze, wondering what Junie could possibly be thinking.

"Aiden? Hello?" Rick says calling me out of my daze.

"Yes, sorry, you were saying?" I ask trying to compose myself.

"Do you want to get ahold of Larry's team and set you up with more security? We shouldn't get anymore people involved which means we can't ask Linds." Rick says.

"Good point, but I already asked her to contact my lawyers." I tell Rick.

I hear a sigh on the other end, but I think Rick is just stressed as we all are. "That's fine, I'll call Larry and dispatch more security asap."

"Sounds good, thanks."

He clicks off and I head back to the stair case and I make my way to Junie.

Here bedroom door is closed shut, I try knocking but I don't hear anything, I turn the knob but it's locked.

"Junie?" I ask putting my ear to the door.

While my ear is to the door Juniper opens the door with lightening speed and I topple over. I look up at her from the ground, she's showered and is wearing a tank top and matching pajama shorts. She starts laughing, and it's real, a real belly laugh and it's so beautiful - and she snorts!

"Thanks... for the help up, and asking if I'm ok." I grunt as I get up from the floor. She's still laughing.

"I'm sorry!" She says still in between laughter.

I smile and take a seat at the end of her bed, she has most of everything unpacked and her suit cases stored in the corner, she has her laptop out and open on her bed.

"I like seeing you laugh." I tell her. She leans against the dresser opposite her bed and watches me. A blush creeps up her cheeks.

"Yeah, it's not very often these days." She says offering a sad smile.

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