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Yesterday went on forever, I didn't get the story finished early, my mind was in swirls and twirls and by the time I got home I was so exhausted my eyes hurt.

I hop into bed and check my missed messages.

Dad: All Kathys been talking about is a colored couch. Look what you've done!

I smile at the picture attached of a advertisement for almost the same purple sofa as mine.

Me: Life deserves to be colorful.

I hit send and move on to the next.

Kendra: Hi, Junie. Your dad told me you've started your new job, give us a call and let us know how it is! We miss you and miss hearing from you.

I smile sadly down at the phone and realize my distance hasn't been fair, hopefully my silence hasn't hurt them much.

Me: Hi, Kendra. I have, its just been three days but so far so good, hoping to get out and do some shopping this weekend, I'll give you and Mike a call tomorrow evening if you're around?

I hit send and throw my phone on charge and lie down. Sleep comes easily and I'm gone into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up with a jolt, there's sun streaming in through the sheer curtains, I bolt upright and check my phone. Not only is it 10 in the morning, I have seven missed calls and I'm really late. I jump out of bed and call fourth floor. Martin picks up on the third ring.

"Good morning, Memphis Outskirts Journaling, Martin speaking."

"Martin, it's me Junie. I'm so sorry, I've woken up late!" I nearly shout in a panic on the phone.

"Junie, Junie, it's ok. Mr. Memphis was asking for you, you might want to give him a call, are you planning on coming in?" He asks.

"Yes, yes. I should be there in twenty."

"Alright, see you soon."

He hangs up and I dial the top floor.

"Memphis Outskirts, Lindsay speaking." Says a female voice on the other end.

"Hi, its - um, Juniper Hansley, may I speak to Mr. Memphis?" I ask nervously.

"Sure, I'll transfer you, one moment."

I finish getting my shirt and dress pants on, I make it to the bathroom and throw my hair into a tight top ponytail.

"Junie!" Aiden calls on the end in a booming voice.

"Mr. Memphis, Martin told me you were asking about my whereabouts, I woke up late, I apologize, typically this doesn't happen, I've been getting shitty sleeps and last night I was so exhausted I forgot to set my-" I ramble but I'm cut off.

"Junie, it's ok. Just get here when you get here. Do you need a ride?"

I shake me head even though he can't see me. "No Mr. Memphis. I'll walk, if that's alright?"

"You know accepting a ride would be faster." He bribes.

I bite my lip. "Ok, I suppose."

"Perfect, I'll be there soon."

He hangs up before I reject and I toss everything into my bad, I grab my jacket, running shoes and shove them in the bag for walking home. Once I see Aiden's car pull in I'm sweating and shaking. I've never been in a car while someone else is driving since Chris passed. I shake my nerves and I lock up.

"Good morning, Juniper, you look well rested." He teases and opens up the passenger side.

"What no monster truck today?" I fire back, the unease filling my voice.

"I thought this would be a bit more comfortable." He shrugs and shuts my door.

I pull my seat belt on and put my bag on the floor between my legs. I grip the door handle one he starts the car.

"Is everything ok?" He says putting the car in reverse and looking at me, his gray eyes holding mine, deep with concern.

"Eyes on the road, please." I whisper.

He looks at the road finally, stepping on the gas, the first car that comes the opposite direction toward us I freak out, imagines start flying and before I could take my calming breaths I'm screaming. "PULL OVER. pull over...pull over." I mutter with tears in my eyes.

Aiden jumps at my sudden outburst and slams the brakes and pulls off to the side with other parked cars.

"Jesus, Juniper are you ok?" He asks taking in how bad I look, my cheeks stained with shed tears and my body shaking.

"I - I'm g-going to w-w-walk from here." I say grabbing my things and slowly getting out.

Aiden gets out to meet me on my side. "You can't walk, you're shaking, Junie." He says putting his hand on my arm.

"I can't do this, it's just way too much, I should've never left, I would've been safer in California." I mutter putting my head down shamefully.

"Can't do what?" Aiden asks. I start to notice my surroundings, standing on the side of the busy street, cars passing and people craning their necks to see who could possibly be driving this expensive car, Aiden standing so close to me that I can feel this warmth, and finally his hand place delicately on my back, gently rubbing it.

I clear my throat. "I can't drive with other people - it's just a thing with me. I'll walk, I'm sorry I wasted your time, Mr. Memphis, I'm truly embarrassed. If you wanted to sack me you can." I say throwing my head down in shame.

"Alright." Aiden says turning on his heel and walking back to his side.

I dry my eyes with my jacket sleeve and I reposition my bag correctly on my back and start walking. I hear footsteps behind me, I stop and look over my shoulder.

"Aiden?" I say confused, he had his brief case in his hand and he's jogging to catch up to me. "What are you doing?"

"Walking with you." He says simply.

"Why?" I ask almost disgusted.

He stops dead in his tracks from walking making me stop too, I look into his eyes and there's this untold, secretive bond between us, the tension zapping between us. I focus on his overall face and take a small step back.

He seems to notice it too, because his body goes rigid, and he clears his throat, something I do when I'm distracted trying to get focused.

"I'm walking with you to work, I would normally tell staff to stay home if they're unwell, but I want to keep an eye on you." He says honestly.

"What about your car?" I say looking back to see it sitting in the distance.

He shrugs. "I'll get Rick to grab it later today."

"So, you wanna tell me what that was about back there? You almost gave me a heart attack and I'm only thirty three." He teases, but his eyes search mine. "You don't have to."

I look at him, his eyes telling mine that he can handle whatever I have thrown at him.

"Well..." I start.

He cuts me off with a hand slicing the air. "Not here, let me take you to coffee, least I can do." He says.

Least he could do? I was the one that accepted his offer to give me a ride and now I've had a panic attack causing him an enormous amount of stress and taking me for coffee is the least he could do...

"Alright" I nod.

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